Second Hand Smoke Awareness for Kids Health
The object of this report from Institute for Vibrant Living is to educate those amongst us that smoke tobacco, or know someone who does, on the inherent dangers of second-hand smoke. If you imbibe in smoking tobacco, please read this brief report and then make the following adjustments below immediately whether you plan to quit or not:
Please make the effort to quit. But until then, read this report and make the effort to shield your kids and loved ones as much as possible from the dangers outlined below:
According to the American Lung Association, there are an estimated 150,000 to 300,000 cases each year of bronchitis and pneumonia among infants and children under 18 years of age who had to breathe secondhand tobacco smoke.
These exposures to secondhand smoke result in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations each year amongst this helpless group of kids.
That's a real shocker. But even more insidious is the fact that an estimated 22 percent of all American youth, under the age of 18, are exposed to second hand smoke in their homes.
The National Cancer Institute has conducted numerous awareness campaigns aimed at reducing second hand smoke within the home, especially homes with children.
Children are at much higher risk for developing problems related to secondhand smoke because their bodies are still developing and their breathing rate is generally faster than that of adult age groups.
Therefore, when the air is tainted with cigarette smoke, young developing lungs receive a much higher concentration of inhaled toxins than older lungs receive.
Here's another brutal statistic: Did you know that children who spend only one hour in a smoky room inhale enough toxic chemicals to equal 10 cigarettes?
According to the American Thoracic Society "healthy" children of smokers who don't show outward signs of breathing difficulties, may still be experiencing reduced lung function which could progressively worsen with continued exposure.
For very young children and infants, secondhand smoke exposure raises the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Pregnant women who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to have babies with low birth weight. In some cases, second hand smoke has caused miscarriages.
 Babies born to smoking mothers are at an increased risk for developmental issues, learning disabilities and cerebral palsy.
When a person is exposed to secondhand smoke they are actually exposed to two forms of smoke. "Sidestream" smoke is emitted between puffs of a burning cigarette, pipe or cigar and "mainstream" smoke is exhaled by the smoker. This combination of smoke contains at least 60 cancer-causing agents as well as toxins such as nicotine and carbon dioxide.
Consider these facts from the American Lung Association:
Please make the effort to tell a smoking friend, spouse, or family member to read this brief report.
In their heart, they'll know you're right to share these disturbing facts…it may even spur them on to some kind of positive change!
- Smoke outside only.
- Smoke low-tar when possible.
- Wear a smoking jacket when smoking. (Or some kind of outer wear you can take off when done)
- Wash hands and face, comb hair, then brush teeth after you smoke – kids will appreciate that you don't smell like a chimney.
- Limit the amount of smoke breaks you take – time with the kids is precious.
Please make the effort to quit. But until then, read this report and make the effort to shield your kids and loved ones as much as possible from the dangers outlined below:
According to the American Lung Association, there are an estimated 150,000 to 300,000 cases each year of bronchitis and pneumonia among infants and children under 18 years of age who had to breathe secondhand tobacco smoke.
These exposures to secondhand smoke result in 7,500 to 15,000 hospitalizations each year amongst this helpless group of kids.
That's a real shocker. But even more insidious is the fact that an estimated 22 percent of all American youth, under the age of 18, are exposed to second hand smoke in their homes.
The National Cancer Institute has conducted numerous awareness campaigns aimed at reducing second hand smoke within the home, especially homes with children.
Children are at much higher risk for developing problems related to secondhand smoke because their bodies are still developing and their breathing rate is generally faster than that of adult age groups.
Therefore, when the air is tainted with cigarette smoke, young developing lungs receive a much higher concentration of inhaled toxins than older lungs receive.
Here's another brutal statistic: Did you know that children who spend only one hour in a smoky room inhale enough toxic chemicals to equal 10 cigarettes?
According to the American Thoracic Society "healthy" children of smokers who don't show outward signs of breathing difficulties, may still be experiencing reduced lung function which could progressively worsen with continued exposure.
For very young children and infants, secondhand smoke exposure raises the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Pregnant women who are exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to have babies with low birth weight. In some cases, second hand smoke has caused miscarriages.
 Babies born to smoking mothers are at an increased risk for developmental issues, learning disabilities and cerebral palsy.
When a person is exposed to secondhand smoke they are actually exposed to two forms of smoke. "Sidestream" smoke is emitted between puffs of a burning cigarette, pipe or cigar and "mainstream" smoke is exhaled by the smoker. This combination of smoke contains at least 60 cancer-causing agents as well as toxins such as nicotine and carbon dioxide.
Consider these facts from the American Lung Association:
- Secondhand smoke is responsible for an estimated 38,000 deaths among non-smokers each year which includes 3,000 lung cancer deaths and 35,000 deaths due to heart disease.
- Second hand smoke can worsen existing pulmonary symptoms for people with asthma, chronic bronchitis and allergies. Â
- The incidence of lung cancer in waitresses and bartenders who work in restaurants where smoking is allowed is more than twice that of the general population.
- There is no safe amount of second hand smoke.
Please make the effort to tell a smoking friend, spouse, or family member to read this brief report.
In their heart, they'll know you're right to share these disturbing facts…it may even spur them on to some kind of positive change!