How to Grow Plumeria in the North
- 1). Plant plumeria into any container that is 1 to 3 gallons in size, or 8 to 10 inches wide and deep. Use a peat-based potting mix or a special cactus mix enriched with 30 percent compost. Do not use topsoil. There must be at least one drainage hole in the container’s bottom, as plumeria do not survive in soggy soils.
- 2). Place the plumeria in a warm room in a south- or west-facing window where it receives as much direct sunlight as possible. The plumeria cannot go outside from fall to spring in regions where temperatures drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the soil barely moist from fall to spring when no leaves exist on the plant.
- 3). Apply a granular or liquid fertilizer to the plumeria in midspring, mid- to late April, while it is still indoors and lacking leaves. Use a phosphate-rich fertilizer, such as 5-10-5 or 10-30-10, following label directions for dosage based on the size of the plant or the soil volume in the container. As the sun intensifies, the first hints of new flower buds or leaves begin appearing on stem tips. Increase watering gradually so the soil now becomes slightly moister, but never soggy.
- 4). Bring the container-grown plumeria outdoors in mid- to late spring after all frost danger passes. This varies by latitude and elevation. Plumeria responds to heat and sunshine for leaf and flower production. Waiting until the daytime temperatures exceed 75 F and the nighttime temperature no longer drop below 60 F is an ideal time to relocate the plumeria outside in the temperate United States.
- 5). Water the plumeria maintaining evenly moist soil during the heat of May to early September. Depending on the temperature, watering may be required daily or every two to four days. Make sure the container's drainage holes are not blocked. Temperatures more than 85 F and at least six hours of uninterrupted sunshine daily results in lush, leafy growth and development of flowers this time of year.
- 6). Apply supplemental dosages of a water-based fertilizer every two weeks from May to mid-August. Mix the fertilizer as per product directions and apply in tandem with a typical watering to maintain the evenly moist soil.
- 7). Bring the plumeria back indoors once nighttime temperatures drop below 45 F. As late summer's heat wanes and the sunlight intensity declines, a plumeria may retain flower clusters, but the leaves naturally yellow and drop off. The plant is beginning dormancy. Place the plumeria in a bright south- or west-facing window to overwinter.
- 8). Reduce watering by mid-September and cease any fertilizing regimen by no later than Labor Day if it wasn't stopped in August. The soil needs to remain barely moist to slightly dry. Wet soil and cool temperatures lead to root and stem rot.
- 9). Keep the container off any stone or concrete floor. The cold penetrates into any soil in containers that rest directly on a cold house floor from fall to spring. Allow the leaves to continue dropping off, and enjoy any last flower clusters. If the room is warm, flowers may linger until late fall before ceasing. Maintain the drier soil conditions. Resist any urge to water this time of year, even if flowers persist.