Weight Loss Drugs - Why You Need to Be Very Careful
It sounds so easy - just take a pill and you'll be able to lose that weight and be super slim again, but alas things aren't as simple as they appear to be.
While some weight loss drugs do work many have been proven to be very dangerous.
They work by suppressing your appetite so you don't feel hungry with the idea that if you are not hungry you won't want to eat.
Of course many times people overeat for other reasons than hunger, they eat for boredom, to heal emotions or sometimes just because the food is there in front of them.
Over the counter weight loss drugs that you can purchase without a doctor's prescription should be looked at with care.
Many times these drugs are not as effective as they claim and can even compromise your health so make sure you read the information enclosed carefully for safety precautions.
And then of course there are the diet pills that work only if you are on a low fat low calorie diet.
Which is ironic because going on a low fat low calorie diet will make you lose weight, so what do the pills do? It begs the question whether the pills are really responsible for the weight loss or the diet plan is helping you drop those pounds.
Prescription weight loss medication are similar to the over the counter versions in that they help you feel full and take away the urge to binge, but like all drugs there are risks and side effects associated with many different brands so make sure you follow your doctors advice carefully and inform him if you are experiencing any side effects.
Some of the more extreme side effects from taking weight loss pills are hypertension, high blood pressure, heart attack, psychosis and depression.
There have also been cases with some weight loss drugs where people have died both with over the counter and prescription medications which begs the question is your life and health worth the risk just to feel less hungry.
Herbal remedies are also popular as weight loss remedies but these are drugs too and should be treated with the same caution as other medicines.
Just because something is natural doesn't mean it is safe, or even works as claimed.
Overall you need to be very careful if you are considering weight loss drugs or pills.
Make sure you get medical advice and make your own judgments whether they are right for you or not.
While some weight loss drugs do work many have been proven to be very dangerous.
They work by suppressing your appetite so you don't feel hungry with the idea that if you are not hungry you won't want to eat.
Of course many times people overeat for other reasons than hunger, they eat for boredom, to heal emotions or sometimes just because the food is there in front of them.
Over the counter weight loss drugs that you can purchase without a doctor's prescription should be looked at with care.
Many times these drugs are not as effective as they claim and can even compromise your health so make sure you read the information enclosed carefully for safety precautions.
And then of course there are the diet pills that work only if you are on a low fat low calorie diet.
Which is ironic because going on a low fat low calorie diet will make you lose weight, so what do the pills do? It begs the question whether the pills are really responsible for the weight loss or the diet plan is helping you drop those pounds.
Prescription weight loss medication are similar to the over the counter versions in that they help you feel full and take away the urge to binge, but like all drugs there are risks and side effects associated with many different brands so make sure you follow your doctors advice carefully and inform him if you are experiencing any side effects.
Some of the more extreme side effects from taking weight loss pills are hypertension, high blood pressure, heart attack, psychosis and depression.
There have also been cases with some weight loss drugs where people have died both with over the counter and prescription medications which begs the question is your life and health worth the risk just to feel less hungry.
Herbal remedies are also popular as weight loss remedies but these are drugs too and should be treated with the same caution as other medicines.
Just because something is natural doesn't mean it is safe, or even works as claimed.
Overall you need to be very careful if you are considering weight loss drugs or pills.
Make sure you get medical advice and make your own judgments whether they are right for you or not.