Be the Change You Wish to See In the World. Literally!

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In my last article "How to Create Anything In Your Life. Really!" I talked about the four stages we typically go through in the process of personal growth and learning anything new: Unconscious Incompetence, Conscious Incompetence, Conscious Competence, and Unconscious Competence. In this article I want to further illuminate what is happening IN OUR INNER WORLD as we go through these stages.

Change tends to cascade through "less dense" energy fields into more dense energy fields. Very simply, "just an idea" becomes a physical reality. Or said another way, from the spiritual, to the mental, to the emotional, to the physical. As an idea/concept/desire moves through us and through these energy fields, what is it that is changing? What exactly is going on with this process?

You've probably heard of the new science of neurobiology that is demonstrating we can change our brains by the thoughts and experiences we engage. The concept is neuroplasticity and states our brains can, and do, create new neural pathways and networks based on the training we give it. Wow! We may be creatures of habit, but we can change those habits if we want to. With this as our starting point, let's go a little further:

You have probably heard the statement that every five to seven years every cell in your body is new - has been replaced (Deepak Chopra, MD, and Quantum Physicist John Hagelin, as well as other doctors and scientists have said this). You have an entirely new body every five to seven years. Isn't that amazing? Just that fact alone suggests you are not your body. "YOU" get a new one every five to seven years, but what is the "you" that is getting it? What is the "you" that is staying around and is consistent through all that physical world change? Great and powerful questions, but not why I bring this up.

Quantum Biologist Bruce Lipton, author of "The Biology of Belief," has scientifically demonstrated that our beliefs live in each and every one of our cells. Beliefs are not just "in our head" but actually are resonating in each and every cell of our entire body. This has far-reaching implications for health and well being, but again, is not why I bring this up.

Quantum Physics, as represented in popular movies such as "What the Bleep Do We Know," "The Secret," and more, posits that our thoughts and feelings create and attract our reality. Another way to say this (less mystically) is, "What you focus on expands." We all know that what we pay attention to we tend to get more of. So, if your thoughts and feelings (aka your beliefs) are creating your reality, AND they live in your each and every cell, AND it takes five to seven years to replace every cell in your body, then it stands to reason that it will take about five to seven years to totally transform your beliefs and hence your life.

If you ask around and pay attention to success stories like I do, you'll find that from the time a now-successful person started engaging their new field of endeavor (whatever that is), it took about five years until they were really experiencing the success they imagined. Over that time they transformed their beliefs, cell by cell, thought by thought, feeling by feeling, experience by experience, until most of the cells in their body were resonating the new beliefs and desires. And viola! Via the laws of Quantum Physics, they were able to attract, create, and experience that reality in physical, tangible form. (Additional evidence for this are the studies demonstrating it takes about 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert at something. If you do the math, that is 5.5 hours per day for five years, or about four hours per day for seven years).

Notice that this whole chain of inner world transformation begins with you consciously choosing your thoughts and feelings. Your thoughts and feelings "cascade" down into your physical body, literally into your each and every cell, and then out into the world! This is cutting-edge stuff, guys! As a human race we are just beginning to understand how it is we are woven into our world. It's pretty obvious now that our thoughts and feelings affect the health and well-being of our physical body. However, there is a large body of emerging evidence that our thoughts and feelings affect our physical "world" (outside our body) as well!

Now, five to seven years may seem like a long time to some of you, but what we're talking about here is life-level transformation and manifestation - where your whole world changes, not just some small part. And, in the context of the average human life span of 75 years, it's less than 10%! Think about it, you can totally transform your life and your world every five to seven years. Of course people have done this - I know some of them, you probably do too - and are living what seems to be many totally different lives in one lifetime!

As you engage your path of personal growth and development and begin creating the things in your life you truly desire, THIS is the path you are on, THIS is what you are changing....YOU! From the inside out. This is what coaching programs are designed to support you to do.

Try this:

Knowing that your thoughts cascade into your feelings, cascade into your physical body, and cascade out into your world, take one day and watch your thoughts throughout the day. Keep a notepad with you that day. How many of your thoughts are you consciously aware of and choosing, vs. just automatically running? Are they mostly positive? Negative? Neutral? Notice what kind of thoughts you are having throughout your day, and hence, what are you creating yourself to be? Consider if there is an opportunity for you to be more aware, to choose more wisely. Begin to consciously create yourself as the change you wish to be and see in your world.

Congratulations! You're one step closer to your Mojo!

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