Build Muscle - Why Some Guys Struggle to Build Muscle
If you are currently trying to get into bodybuilding and build muscle but not seeing the results you'd like to be seeing, you may need to consider the fact that you could be what's known as a hardgainer.
There are some guys who just cannot seem to build muscle and gain weight regardless of what they are doing in the gym.
There are many reasons that are at work here causing the problem, so by understanding what these are, you can then put them to use and build a workout program that will help you overcome this issue.
Here are the primary reasons you aren't gaining weight.
A Thrifty Metabolic Type One big reason why you might not be seeing the amount of muscle gain you'd like is because your metabolism is working over time.
When you eat more food, it just speeds right up along with that, burning those extra calories in the process.
Since you require a surplus of calories each day to build muscle (more than you've metabolized), this creates a big program.
The way you need to overcome this is finding a way to eat such a caloric dense diet that your hunger signals are outsmarted by the food you are eating.
It's going to take a special kind of diet to enable you to do this.
A General Nervousness Are you the type of person who is always walking around? Just can't quite sit still? These types of individuals can burn a great deal of calories through non-scheduled physical activity and this is a bit reason why those fidgers are always so thin.
If you are burning off an extra 500 calories a day just with simple movements such as pacing, foot tapping, finger tapping, and so on, that just cut out the surplus you needed to build muscle at a rate of one pound a week.
If you want to build muscle successfully, you need to calm yourself as best as possible.
High Stress Another with the nervousness personality just described, if you are someone who suffers from stress a great deal, that too could be hindering your ability to build muscle.
If you're always stressed out, your body is perceiving an emergency situation and is using its reserves to try and overcome this, not to mention releasing a large amount of cortisol in the body.
Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that will oppose any anabolic (muscle building) processes in the body.
Too Much Working Out Finally, the last major muscle building crime that those who can't gain weight are often committing is that they are working out too much.
These individuals take longer to recover from any given workout than others who can build muscle faster and as such, should have more days off allotted into their program.
If you haven't see a weight gain at a rate of one pound per month then I'd highly suggest look at your program and coming up with something different.
This is the top reason why many guys spin their wheels for years in the gym, never looking any different.
Don't you think it's time something was changed?
There are some guys who just cannot seem to build muscle and gain weight regardless of what they are doing in the gym.
There are many reasons that are at work here causing the problem, so by understanding what these are, you can then put them to use and build a workout program that will help you overcome this issue.
Here are the primary reasons you aren't gaining weight.
A Thrifty Metabolic Type One big reason why you might not be seeing the amount of muscle gain you'd like is because your metabolism is working over time.
When you eat more food, it just speeds right up along with that, burning those extra calories in the process.
Since you require a surplus of calories each day to build muscle (more than you've metabolized), this creates a big program.
The way you need to overcome this is finding a way to eat such a caloric dense diet that your hunger signals are outsmarted by the food you are eating.
It's going to take a special kind of diet to enable you to do this.
A General Nervousness Are you the type of person who is always walking around? Just can't quite sit still? These types of individuals can burn a great deal of calories through non-scheduled physical activity and this is a bit reason why those fidgers are always so thin.
If you are burning off an extra 500 calories a day just with simple movements such as pacing, foot tapping, finger tapping, and so on, that just cut out the surplus you needed to build muscle at a rate of one pound a week.
If you want to build muscle successfully, you need to calm yourself as best as possible.
High Stress Another with the nervousness personality just described, if you are someone who suffers from stress a great deal, that too could be hindering your ability to build muscle.
If you're always stressed out, your body is perceiving an emergency situation and is using its reserves to try and overcome this, not to mention releasing a large amount of cortisol in the body.
Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that will oppose any anabolic (muscle building) processes in the body.
Too Much Working Out Finally, the last major muscle building crime that those who can't gain weight are often committing is that they are working out too much.
These individuals take longer to recover from any given workout than others who can build muscle faster and as such, should have more days off allotted into their program.
If you haven't see a weight gain at a rate of one pound per month then I'd highly suggest look at your program and coming up with something different.
This is the top reason why many guys spin their wheels for years in the gym, never looking any different.
Don't you think it's time something was changed?