About Florida's No Fault Laws
- No-fault auto insurance was created to control premiums by decreasing litigation between drivers and by reducing the time it takes to make payments to everyone injured in a car accident.
- All Florida auto insurance companies are required to take care of their own clients' bodily injury claim payments, regardless of who was at fault. Vehicle property damage, however, should be covered by the at-fault driver's insurance company.
- Every vehicle registered, licensed and insured in Florida must have at minimum $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) and $10,000 in property damage liability (PDL).
- All permanent Florida residents with a working vehicle must carry auto insurance year-round. Part-time residents who stay in Florida at least 90 days per year must also carry PIP and PDL insurance on their cars.
- PIP involves medical, rehabilitative and death payments, as well as lost wages up to the limit of the policy. PDL deals with damage to vehicles, buildings and other stationary objects up to the limit of the policy.
- Accident litigation is allowable in two categories: verbal and monetary thresholds. Verbal threshold is used in Florida. This means that lawsuits are based on personal damages such as permanent injury, dismemberment and death.