What Is the Capacity of a Floppy Disc?
- A floppy disk is made up of a thin sheet of magnetic plastic covered by a sheet of nonmagnetic plastic. Data on a floppy disk can be erased, and the disk can be used again. To be used, a floppy disk requires a floppy disk drive. The capacity of a floppy disk depends on the density of the material of which it's made.
- Double-density floppy disk are the less-dense sort of disks, in spite of their name. They can store up to 800 KB (kilobytes) of data.
- High-density disks offer more storage capacity than double-density disks. They can store up to 1.44 MG (megabytes) of data.
- Computer storage is measured in bytes. A kilobyte is equal to 1,024 bytes. A megabyte is 1,048,576 bytes bytes. Thus a high-density disk stores more than 1,000 times more data than a double-density disk.