How Keyword-Rich Domaining Will Increase Google Rankings
Search engines will first look out for URLs containing keywords that the user searched. If the search keyword matches the keyword in the domain name of your website, your website will be displayed in the search engine results increasing the possibility of getting more number of visitors. Your website will get higher increased ranking if it contains keywords in its domain name. Using exact keywords in the domain name is a small change in your domaining plan, but it can give you positive results which you thought were tough to achieve.
Domaining has to be considered before hosting a website. If you have already established a website that has a few visitors, you should not change the domain name because users will remember the website only using the domain name. Though domaining is important for search engine rankings, you cannot expect to increase the ranking of your website only with the help of keyword rich domain names. Lot more steps are involved in search engine optimization and the importance of any of those steps cannot be ignored if you want higher search engine rankings.
While choosing domain names, many webmasters are unable to choose between branding and keyword rich domain names. If your website is aimed at selling products in a niche and if you have a small budget for marketing your website, then keyword rich domaining can greatly help you achieve your goal. Brandable domain names are easy to remember for your repeating visitors. You cannot expect your visitors to search for the same keyword every time to reach your website. Also, search engine ranking is not a constant number and the ranking of your website changes continuously.
With more and websites being hosted on the internet, finding the domain name that you like has become near impossible. Many people buy domain names at lower rates and wait for some time to sell it for a higher price. When you search for domain names, come up with as many names as possible that reflect your business. If you cannot buy domain name that contains exact keywords of your website, you can look for names that describe your website niche. For business websites, hyphens in domain names are to be avoided even though search engine optimization is not affected by the hyphens in the domain names.