Do You Think Fun Soccer Drills Would Make Coaching Easier?
Here's what drills can do. Drills can condition. Fit players often outperform unfit players. Conditioning prevents many injuries. Drills also teach working as a team and developing playing style. Sometimes though practices overlook developing soccer skills in each individual player. The best teams develop the skills of all the players, not just those of the most gifted players.
Make workouts appropriate for the age of the players. For example 6 year olds want to keep moving but they need to get used to the ball and most everything about how to play soccer. So why not try a fun soccer drill based on the red light/green light idea?
Here's how it could go. The coach stands at the end of the field and the players at the other. The coach calls out "green light." All the players then dribble their balls up the field as fast as they can. Then the coach yells "red light" and turns and each player stops with a foot on the ball. Any player still moving goes back to the start. First player to the coach is the winner.
That's serious fun with serious learning and practice.
Many children's games adapt to soccer. But that takes quite a bit of thought. It's best if you have a big backlog of training drills so you can plan for practice. Only by serious Having fun routines that will keep your players interested takes some serious thought. Another possibility is to get access to drill diagrams that you can print off and give to each player. Another possible tool is the animated drills for use on the computer. That's a way for players to see what's expected with a play.
Fun practices make coaching easier and players happier. To learn more about fun soccer drills [], visit [] where you'll find training resources and articles.