Commuting Alternatives That Work As Hard As You Do!
Nationwide, commuters spend more time sitting in traffic than they do taking a two-week vacation each year.
The national average commute time is more than 200 hours per year (New York City has the highest average total at more than 300 hours per year!) and that equates to more than 5 workweeks per year traveling back and forth to the office.
Regardless of where you live, commuting alone to work is expensive, time consuming and stressful.
Here are just some of the possible alternatives that can take the hassles out of driving alone: Carpooling Share driving responsibilities with a co-worker and watch the savings add up fast.
You'll save on gas, of course, but you'll also put fewer miles on your car which means less repairs, oil changes and tire replacements.
You'll also save on mental "wear and tear" too because on the days you're not driving, you'll be able to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride! Vanpooling The more riders the merrier! See if enough people are interested (look not only in your office, but in surrounding buildings as well) and then present your case to management.
Some states and counties have databases to help bring together "vanpoolers" -- check with your state's Department of Transportation or look at http://www.
com for resources.
Riding the bus or taking the train If it's available...
if it's convenient...
why not give it a try! The walk from the bus stop/train station to work will also give you the added benefit of regular exercise! Bicycling Another great way to get your exercise in! Take it slow at the beginning and pick your spots (think sunny days!) -- cycling just one day a week will reduce your gas bill by 20%.
Now if you just can't spend a workday without your own set of wheels, make sure you follow these tips from [http://www.
html] to get the best mileage from your vehicle:
- Keep your tires properly inflated
- Avoid rush hour when possible or pick the route with the least amount of traffic (it's not always the shortest route, but you can still save time - and gas - by not sitting in traffic)
- Keep your car properly tuned and maintained
- Reduce the amount of weight in your car - unnecessary items can contribute to lower gas mileage
- If you and your spouse both drive, make sure the one with the longest drive uses the car with the best gas mileage