Keying Your Magic Tools For Personal Use
I very much wanted the energies of the dragon as part of my magic spell, so the bracelet was a perfect match.
I have received a lot of comments on the dragon bracelet, especially since we are in Cancun, Mexico for five weeks and this is not the usual "tourist-type" jewelry.
Several people have asked me why I wear the bracelet and how I use it for my magic practice.
This fascinates most people endlessly, and they are eager to get their own version from our online store as soon as they get home to the States.
I'm delighted that others are as fascinated with the bracelet as I am, and while I definitely want them to enjoy the same kind of dragon magic I'm getting from the bracelet, I warn them that just having the bracelet isn't enough.
The bracelet, like any magical tool, has to be "keyed" to a person's unique energies so that it works for them.
Otherwise, it's just a bracelet.
How to Key General Magic Tools There are specific ways to key the tools for each of the four elements (Air, Fire, Water, and Earth), but if you want to use a general magic tool, like my bracelet, there is a very simple way to "key" it so that it works with your personal and unique energies.
Here's how: 1.
Put the object in your dominant hand (usually the hand with which you point or write) 2.
Hold the object and flow energy into it.
If you want to use the tool for a specific purpose, flow images or thoughts about that purpose through your hand as well.
I sometimes also chant a spell verse while doing this.
Continue with this process until the magic tool feels "charged," warm, or tingly.
At that point, your magic tool has been keyed to your specific energy, and will work for you personally.
This generally works well for any general magic tool.
For the specific tools associated with the magical elements, including the Firebowl, Wand, Athame, Chalice, and Plate, there are more detailed keying instructions since these tools are designed to handle much more magical energy.
These tools can also be used many ways for different magic rituals and operations, especially spell work, banishments, blessings, and cleansings.
To learn more about how to key and use these tools, you may wish to browse the resources in the resource box below.