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Women's Health : Health & Medical

A Look at Some of the Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast infection symptoms are very many and all you need to do is to take note and make sure you do not miss them. Yeast overgrowth is what causes an infection by yeast and it is a fungus which is found naturally in our bodies.

Tummy Tucks - Can They Cure Your Recession Blues?

It's a new age these days, and unfortunately it isn't by any means an optimistic one. Even those not the victims of billion dollar ponzi schemes are feeling taken advantage of.Stocks are down, 401K plans are diminishing to the point of non-existence and from the looks of it retirement age

Restore the Libido in Women With a Natural Remedy

To restore the libido in most women, is not necessarily complicated. Improved nutrition, along with a natural remedy, will work for a large number of women, providing they do not have serious medical conditions that need to be addressed.

Yeast Infection Treatment at Home - Remedies to Cure Candida Naturally

If you're like other sufferers, you're searching for a yeast infection treatment at home. Remedies that are totally natural are available to help you do this. Here you'll discover 3 simple yeast infection treatments that are natural and which you can carry out safely at home.

Ladies Shoes Mania

This article is about ladies shoes, and the drama about choosing the right pair. I will also talk about the "designer vs. cheap" dilemma.

Non-Lethal Personal Protection Tips for Women

These are scary violent times in America. Especially, for women that must commute or walk through urban areas of the city. Today's non-lethal self defense technology will give female victims other options besides relying on brute force to defend against an attacker. These personal security prod

Yeast Infection Treatment - What's the Best For You?

Women more than men are prone to develop infection and the infection mostly manifests in the major reproductive organ - the vagina thus the need for a solid yeast infection treatment. Because of the desirable characteristics of the vaginal environment which are moist, warm and dark, yeast in particu

Female Libido Enhancers - What You Need to Know

There are many female libido enhancers available that work to restore libido and sexual desire in women. Find out how these female libido enhancers work, and what you can expect.

Lose Tummy Fat Or Risk Health Danger

The health dangers associated with having excess abdominal fat. The methods which to lose abdominal fat. The types of exercise and diets useful to lose abdominal fat

Breast Lift - It's Time Men Take Notice of You

Sagging breast can be the result of many things including weight loss, age, breast feeding and pregnancy. Whatever the reasons your breast are sagging the end results are the same and a breast lift may be the answer you are looking for. A breast lift -called a mastopexy raises the breast up, removes

Hair Styles for Women Over 50

Women over 50 have a number of issues to deal with, including choosing the right hair style. What worked a decade or so ago simply doesn't do us justice today.

Back Care In Pregnancy

Back care is another important part of preparation of pregnancy. Your backs carry an enormous load during pregnancy and it is necessary to take good care of them or else you will end up suffering severe back aches in the pregnancy and beyond. Pregnant women should choose a comfortable chair that sup

Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatments That May Help You

Statistics state that nearly 93% of women are (at some stage) are at risk of going through a Vaginal Yeast Infection. That's why determining what the most suitable remedy is critical. Today's treatments come in a myriad of forms, including several varieties of over-the-counter medications,