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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical

Homeopathic Treatment for Stomach Ulcer

Open sores found on the esophagus, the upper part of the small intestine and lining of the stomach, are called stomach or peptic ulcers. This condition affects about 10 percent of Americans. The most well-known sign of a stomach ulcer is a debilitating stomachache.

A Case of Persistent Anemia and Alcohol Abuse

Severe anemia and a 1-day history of nausea and 'coffee ground' vomiting are presented in a 56-year-old male with a history of excess alcohol consumption and type 2 diabetes. What's the diagnosis?

Gerd Symptoms in Children

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs in both children and adults, and in both cases, it can be dangerous to ignore. GERD is caused by the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) not working correctly. It may not stay closed or it may open at random times, causing acid from the stomach to rise up i

Diet for Acid Reflux Patients and Sufferers

This article explains how you can create a healthy and taste diet fro acid reflux sufferers. You will also learn what to do to improve your overall health as well.


Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of endoscopy including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.

The Patient's Journey With Chronic Hepatitis C

How do interferon and ribavirin impact health-related quality of life during treatment for chronic hepatitis C, and are patients better off with different drug therapies?

Crohn's Disease-What Happens

Crohn's disease is an ongoing (chronic) condition that may flare up throughout your life. The course of the disease varies greatly from one person to another. Some people may have only mild symptoms, while others may have severe symptoms or complications.

Parasitic Worms Ease IBD

The thought of swallowing live worm eggs may turn your stomach, but that's exactly what researchers say may safely relieve the abdominal distress caused by inflammatory bowel disease.

Understanding Heartburn Cures

Do you know of any effective heartburn cures? If you have ever experienced burning sensations in your chest after eating a meal, knowing about heartburn remedies is important. This condition can be very distracting, especially if it happens during your work or when doing something important in your