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Hair Health,Hair Loss : Health & Medical

Tips For Women Losing Hair - Natural Hair Loss Treatments

There is a lot of information out there about what men can do about thinning hair. Not as much attention is devoted to the issue of women losing hair. Women do not talk about this issue as much. However, they do have many options treat this condition. Natural hair loss treatments can help stimulate

Curling Iron Types - At Beauty Tips Archive

Make sure you know the difference between spring, marcel, and clipless wand curling irons before you make your next curling iron purchase. The three have significant differences, pros, and cons.

How To Treat Alopecia Aerata

For many people unwanted hair growth just carries away their self-esteem but the hair loss puts up the worse affect on their mind. Hair loss can be of many types.

Surprise your sweetheart this valentine's day

Valentine's day is just round the corner and you may be all prepared to propose to your beloved. You may have planned about what you will wear, what gift you will buy and impress him or her a

Best Way to Stop Hair Loss

Reasons for hair loss can come about due to poor diet, excessive perms or dying the hair or long use of poor quality shampoos and rinse that can clog the pores. Hormonal imbalances, aging, radiation,

Why Guys Love Shaved Heads

If you're looking, you can't help but notice that there are a lot more shaved heads out there these days - and they don't all fit the typical skinhead stereotype. In fact, some of them ...

Why Do Women Grow Facial Hair?

Excess Facial Hair in Women -- When to WorryApproximately 10 percent of women experience excess facial hair. The condition is known as hirsutism. The cause may be genetic, but sometimes a medical problem exists that should be investigated. It's important to know when you should ask your...

How to Choose Disposable Gloves

Disposable gloves are important to have at home in case of emergency. Choosing them isn’t as easy as walking into a pharmacy and picking up a box, you want to make sure that you get the type that suits you. Here is some advice on how you can choose the type that works for you.

Hair Care & Maintenance Tips

Hair may not require constant attention like makeup, but hair is a strong component of how you present yourself. Taking good care of your hair lets others know that you care about your appearance. Hair care is not difficult, if you use the right equipment and products.

What Is Ylang-Ylang Oil?

Flowers of the ylang-ylang tree, native to the Philippines but now flourishing as far away as Madagascar, have a heavy, sweet fragrance sought for perfumes and cosmetics. Known as the "poor man's jasmine," the tropical blooms yield a relatively inexpensive oil valued for its healing properties, acco

How to Stop and Treat Hair loss Naturally

The most widespread form of balding in men is by considerably male pattern baldness (the scientific phrase for this really is androgenic alopecia.) Whenever you endure from this condition, the head of