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Rheumatoid Arthritis : Health & Medical

Golf & Arthritis

Arthritis interferes with your life and your activities because it makes your joints swell and become stiff. Dr. Nathan Wei recommends that golfers, particularly those who have arthritis, stretch before and after playing a round of golf, which should eliminate some of the arthritic pain that you may

Main Gout Cause

Gout is mainly due to the fact that there is an abundance of uric acid in the blood which is also termed as hyperuricemia. Normally, having too much uric acid in the blood does not bring any harm and most of those that have hyperuricemia will never develop gout. Although the exact cause of having hy

Rheumatoid Arthritis And Getting Help

If you suffer from rheumatoid conditions like that of arthritis, it is increasingly important for you to get the help that you need in dealing with this condition.Although there are many people that don't get the help they need, if you do, you will have the opportunity to lessen that pain that

The Natural Holistic Back Pain Cure That Works in Just 3 Days

You may be asking, just what is this cure for chronic back pain? It's simply called Muscle Balance Therapy and it heals the root cause of the pain in your back. You no longer have to follow symptoms as they move from place to place up and down your back.

What to Eat to Get Rid of Gout

As a gout victim you need to watch what you eat to get rid of gout. Gout and diet are linked. Here, you will discover foods you can eat to get rid of gout. And you will also get to know which foods to avoid to help eliminate your gout.

Natural Gout Treatment - Alkaline Water As A Natural Gout Remedy

I discussed the value of drinking water in natural gout treatment in earlier articles. Of course all types of water are not equal, for example hard water is better than soft because of its additional mineral content and distilled water is acidic. Probably the best of all waters for natural gout trea

Arthritis Wrist Pain

Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that can impinge on almost any joint within the body. It causes the affected joint to suffer inflammation, often resulting in stiffness and pain. One such area that is commonly plagued with this condition is the wrist. For some people, it may be mild in nature

What Are the Medical Treatment Options For Arthritis?

When you are suffering from arthritis pain such as your joints are hot and swollen, or you can hardly walk from one side of the house to the other, you want to relief now. The good news is that arthritis can be managed in many cases. You might have to spend time and effort to find the right way to t

Enbrel Indications to Expand

In 2002, Amgen announced that it submitted sBLA to the FDA requesting additional indications for Enbrel

Omega-6, Gout, and Relieving Arthritis In One Easy Step

One big idea which doesn't seem to be getting as much attention as it should is the issue of omega-6. There is a lot of omega-6 already in the American diet - it's important to remember that the purpose for taking omega-3 is to balance out the amount of omega-6 that you're already get