Omega-6, Gout, and Relieving Arthritis In One Easy Step
One big idea which doesn't seem to be getting much attention in the media is the issue of omega-6 side-effects.
Sometimes this scary molecule gets lost in a sea of fish oil supplement benefits.
There is a lot of omega-6 already in the American diet--remember that the purpose for taking omega-3 is to balance out the amount of omega-6 that you're already getting.
I'm always saddened by the sheer amount of people who are not aware of this basic fact.
Actually, omega-6 is in general, bad for you.
Omega-6 has been directly associated with the inflammatory causes of arthritis, and has also been associated with depression.
Part of the reason that omega-3 is able to solve some of these problems is that EPA fish oils balance out omega-6, and compete for the enzymes that omega-6 needs to function.
So, taking EPA is a good way to prevent the harm of a diet high in omega-6.
Both omega-3 and omega-6 use the same enzymes, and when they are both present in the blood, they prevent the other from doing it's job.
Since omega-6 usually does a bad job, it's good for there to be more omega-3 in your system.
Omega-3 molecules hog the enzymes, and there's more good accomplished in terms of cellular function.
One example of harm caused by Omega-6 Omega-6 aggravates the inflammation which causes arthritis.
We know that the basic cause of arthritis pain and swelling is the inflammation response.
Inflammation causes arthritis, arthritis causes pain, and pain causes many of us not be able to do all the things that we would like to do in a given day.
Omega-6 can also aggravate gout.
One good way to eliminate omega-6 from your diet is to cut down on the amount of vegetable oil you consume.
This is one of the primary sources of omega-6, and is really the reason that most people need to take omega-3.
Gout can, in some cases be viewed as an extreme form of arthritis, and gout prevents many people from walking.
One of the best ways to cure gout is a daily regimen of omega-3, in combination with some simple pain relievers.
Some people are surprised when their doctor recommends this treatment, but it is standard and effective.
It's also a good idea to maintain good hygiene, especially with your feet.
Many people may have these problems, and gout or arthritis are serious concerns for them.
It's important to remember, though, that these concerns develop over time.
Preventing harmful chemicals from accumulating within your blood today will prevent you from having to deal with gout and arthritis tomorrow.
Ingesting plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, like EPA and DHA, is probably the most important step that you can take on a dietary level in order to prevent gout and relieve arthritis pain at the same time.
Sometimes this scary molecule gets lost in a sea of fish oil supplement benefits.
There is a lot of omega-6 already in the American diet--remember that the purpose for taking omega-3 is to balance out the amount of omega-6 that you're already getting.
I'm always saddened by the sheer amount of people who are not aware of this basic fact.
Actually, omega-6 is in general, bad for you.
Omega-6 has been directly associated with the inflammatory causes of arthritis, and has also been associated with depression.
Part of the reason that omega-3 is able to solve some of these problems is that EPA fish oils balance out omega-6, and compete for the enzymes that omega-6 needs to function.
So, taking EPA is a good way to prevent the harm of a diet high in omega-6.
Both omega-3 and omega-6 use the same enzymes, and when they are both present in the blood, they prevent the other from doing it's job.
Since omega-6 usually does a bad job, it's good for there to be more omega-3 in your system.
Omega-3 molecules hog the enzymes, and there's more good accomplished in terms of cellular function.
One example of harm caused by Omega-6 Omega-6 aggravates the inflammation which causes arthritis.
We know that the basic cause of arthritis pain and swelling is the inflammation response.
Inflammation causes arthritis, arthritis causes pain, and pain causes many of us not be able to do all the things that we would like to do in a given day.
Omega-6 can also aggravate gout.
One good way to eliminate omega-6 from your diet is to cut down on the amount of vegetable oil you consume.
This is one of the primary sources of omega-6, and is really the reason that most people need to take omega-3.
Gout can, in some cases be viewed as an extreme form of arthritis, and gout prevents many people from walking.
One of the best ways to cure gout is a daily regimen of omega-3, in combination with some simple pain relievers.
Some people are surprised when their doctor recommends this treatment, but it is standard and effective.
It's also a good idea to maintain good hygiene, especially with your feet.
Many people may have these problems, and gout or arthritis are serious concerns for them.
It's important to remember, though, that these concerns develop over time.
Preventing harmful chemicals from accumulating within your blood today will prevent you from having to deal with gout and arthritis tomorrow.
Ingesting plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, like EPA and DHA, is probably the most important step that you can take on a dietary level in order to prevent gout and relieve arthritis pain at the same time.