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Rheumatoid Arthritis : Health & Medical
Curry Spice Offers Hope for Tendinitis Pain
Curcumin, which gives the curry spice turmeric its bright yellow color, could be helpful in treating painful inflammatory conditions, such as tendinitis and arthritis.
Prophylaxis for Acute Gout Flares After Therapy
This article reviews available data on gout prophylaxis after the initiation of urate-lowering therapy.
Does Joint Stiffness Mean I Have Rheumatoid Arthritis?
WebMD explains how stiff joints can be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis and what to do if stiffness, particularly morning stiffness, causes you pain.
It's the Presentation, Stupid: A Patient Is Not a Lab Test
In this Rheumatology Curbside Consult, Dr. Stephen Paget presents an intriguing, unfortunate case of a man presenting with fever and pain in his chest, abdomen, and groin.
Depression & Joint Pain
Individuals who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or from chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, Epstein-Barr virus and fibromyalgia, experience joint and muscle pain. Depression frequently accompanies these conditions, which is understandable. If a person is in pain all the time, it is difficult to
Gout Symptoms - Manage Attacks By Knowing What They Are
Does this scenario sound familiar to you? It is the middle of the night. You are having a nightmare. You are dreaming that your foot is caught in a bear trap and you cannot get it out.
Joint Surgery for Osteoarthritis: An Overview
Joint surgery is considered a last resort treatment option, after all conservative treatments have failed. Not every joint surgery is for a total joint replacement. Learn about your joint surgery options.
Arthrogram (Joint X-Ray)
An arthrogram is a test using X-ray and a contrast material (such as a dye, water, air, or a combination of these) to take pictures of a joint.
Causes of Arthritis Including Signs and Symptoms
The causes of arthritis will depend on the signs and symptoms as there are approximately one hundred types of different arthritic types known to man. For instance there is osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as well as infectious arthritis and juvenile arthritis of which are broken up into vario
Discover The Most Effective Cures For Arthritis
Although there are plenty of different methods that can be used to relieve arthritis pain, the first question that may weigh on the mind a person in pain is, what is arthritis? Discover the most effective cures for arthritis here.
Ten Things You Probably Did Not Know About Juvenile Arthritis
An article on some of the surprising facts about Juvenile Arthritis. This is no old people's disease anymore but has become one of the most common childhood diseases.
Joint Pain
Joint pain can affect one or more joints. While there is no cure for joint pain, you can get relief from joint pain. The treatments range from changes in your lifestyle, medications, medical equipment and/or surgery.
Weight Loss Cuts Gout Risk
Losing weight is the best way to prevent gout, a major new study shows.
Alleviating the Most Prominent Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
Some symptoms of osteoarthritis are rather subtle, while others are more obvious. Because the joint damage itself is progressive, it may be physically unnoticeable at first. Men and women may feel soreness within their hips, knees, and ankles, which can usually be alleviated by prescriptive pain med
Natural Treatment For Arthritis That You Ought to Know
Arthritis is mainly characterized by joint pain that can happen in more than one joint in the body. Read this article to find natural treatment to get relief from the pain and discomfort of arthritis.
Gout Foods - Change Your Diet to Stop the Pain
Gout foods can be a very effective way to manage the symptoms that are associated with gout. This article is going to discuss the gout foods that you should eat, and the other foods that should be avoided to reduce your symptoms.
There Is Pain in My Foot - Where Is It From?
Most of us recognize when foot pain is from an injury. However, if there hasn't been an injury and your foot begins to hurt, what could be the cause?
Joint Pain - Help Yourself Prevent It
Joint pain affects hundreds of thousands of people in our country, causing everything from minor twinges and inconvenience to total, crippling disability. There are ways to help prevent joint pain or to decrease the pain you already have. You do not necessarily need to use expensive prescription dru
Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center
Find timely health and medical news on Rheumatoid Arthritis at WebMD.
Leukopenia and Severe Infection in Patients With SLE
Is the presence of leukopenia a risk factor for severe infection in SLE patients?