Depression & Joint Pain
- RA is debilitating and painful. When it strikes, the likelihood of depression surfacing is very good, according to When progressive joint destruction is occurring, followed at times by physical deformity, the individual plagued with this condition has a very good chance of experiencing emotional disturbances, including depression. In fact, RA patients are twice as likely to suffer from depression as the average person who is not afflicted with RA. When depression strikes, it can be difficult for the individual to manage the illness.
- A study was done in Japan by researchers from Nagoya City University and Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine to see if there was a relationship between CRP (C-reactive protein) levels and pain. A CRP test, which measures the concentration of blood serum of a type of protein produced in the liver, rises during times of acute inflammation, causing a flare-up of symptoms in those with RA. The scientists found that there was indeed a connection. The level of CRP in a patient with RA definitely correlates with symptoms of depression.
- This study, led by Masayo Kojima, M.D., Ph.D., determined that depression, combined with inflammation, results in severe pain. Toss high levels of CRP into the mix, and even worse pain occurs. Dr. Kojima concluded that dealing with psychological and emotional issues is every bit as important as dealing with the physical aspects of the condition. In fact, psychotropic drugs and psychotherapy may well be the top priority, because a person can't heal physically if he is emotionally distraught.
- According to Catherine Spader, RN, who is a contributing writer for "Nursing Spectrum" and "NurseWeek" magazines, pain and depression are intimately connected. If an individual is in pain, depression can be intensified and vice versa. We need serotonin, norepinephrine and endorphins to keep us happy and upbeat. If these neurochemicals, which regulate mood, are being consumed by mediating responses to pain, there isn't an adequate amount left to keep our emotional state balanced.
- Endorphins act as a natural pain reliever because they produce analgesia, which prompts a sense of well-being. If endorphins are lacking, it is impossible for an individual to shake her depression.
- Dr. Kurt Kroenke, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Chancellor's Professor and the principal investigator in research done by the Indiana University School of Medicine and the Regenstrief Institute, noted in the May 2009 issue of the "Journal of the American Medical Association" that pain and depression are intertwined, and both must be treated. In the study, those patients who were trained in pain self-management and whose medications for depression were closely monitored were two to three times more likely to have less depression than those who were in the control study, who received the usual course of treatment from their physicians. The first group was also trained how to do deep breathing exercises, muscle relaxation and coping techniques, including distraction.
- If your pain is so severe and overwhelming that it is depressing you, discuss this with your physician. An antidepressant and/or some type of therapy may help. Do not ignore your depression.