Preventing Christmas Crime
Burglar alarms are most effective when they are installed in conjunction with a monitoring system. The modern burglar is less likely to worry if a home just has an alarm attached to it – now that we live in an age when the sound of a burglar alarm going at any time of day or night does little more than wake us up.
A home security system including burglar alarms and a monitoring system (this is where an outside agency monitors the status of your alarms, and alerts the appropriate services should those alarms go off) needn't cost the earth. A decent budget system can normally be installed for less than £200.
There is of course another home security system that we all have – a pair of eyes. Your eyes watch over your neighbour's house; and your neighbour watches over yours. If your whole street communicates and passes on information whenever they see anything out of the ordinary, it becomes a street in which burglars don't like to come. No prospective burglar is likely to relish the thought of plying his or her trade in a street where any stranger is accosted by a resident to find out if he or she needs any help.
The type of burglar alarms you install depends on your budget and your requirements. A simple alarm system can be installed yourself – though you should check if your home insurance company will recognise DIY home security systems in the event of a claim. Unfortunately, not many of them do.
A hardwired system can be useful for the homeowner who is settled in his or her current property; while a wireless system can be a better bet if you are moving around frequently, or are due to move in the foreseeable future. The wireless system works in exactly the same way as the wired system, but is portable.
The visible elements of burglar alarms are their most important. The best home security lies in preventing burglars from entering your property rather than catching them in the act. Once a burglar has decided to break in, you are faced with an extremely unpleasant situation whether you catch them or not – so the ideal purpose of burglar alarms is actually to deter completely.
Combine the alarm component of your home security system with visible security lights and obvious cameras. Erect a sign in your garden (if you contract a monitoring service the chances are you will be provided with one: if not, ask) informing passersby that the property is under surveillance. And do – as noted – communicate with your neighbours. A united neighbourhood is a safe one, especially at Christmas time.
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