Faith and Trust
Trust in people and faith in principles.
Your own personal success relies on this finding and nurturing faith in correct principles of business success.
Sure, you may go through a lot of "stuff" looking for the "gold".
That's what success is all about: sifting the chaff for the golden kernals of wheat.
But when you sift long enough, you find the gold that works for you.
Trust is another issue.
We were born as trusting beings.
Distrust is a learned response, not a natural reaction.
We must be willing to reach back into our child like innocence and give others a chance to prove themselves.
We need to learn to trust, and to act so as to be trusted.
Trust is a virtue that takes effort to be earned, and is, sadly, easily lost.
Trust in people and faith in principles.
where does one begin? Look for the business opportunity that promotes down to earth values you can share with others like: family, personal growth and development, hard work, integrity, and a team-building spirit.
When you find that business opportunity of personal interest, then search within its framework for individuals you can mentor who share similar hopes and dreams, goals and desires.
Work with them on their team and learn from them how to build and develop your own winning team.
It is absolutely imperative that you follow this order: find the business opportunity that interests you personally, and then search within the framework of that business for the individuals, the leaders, that you are willing to follow, to work with, and to learn the details of the business from.
It's your business...
you have the opportunity for choice.
Remember, in any network marketing business, as in life, it is faith and trust with child like innocence that ultimately gives us success.
It is all in the power to believe.