Make Draining Easier With a Siphon Pump
These handy and easy to use pumps come in a wide variety of sizes to suit a number of different needs and you can usually find them for a fraction of the cost of a motorized pump.
If you have regular household jobs that require draining, like cleaning large fish tanks or aquatic pet habitats, purchasing one of these low cost and very effective pumps could be one of the best investments that you will ever make.
Though you will not get the speed or power from one of these manual pumps that you would from an electric or fuel powered pump, if you do not have an exceedingly large amount of liquid to drain or transfer, a siphon can be just as effective as the larger, more complex and much more expensive pump.
With no power source required, these pumps can be used as effectively indoors as they can outdoors and you will never have to worry about maintenance or costly repairs.
Once you have finished using the pump it simply needs to be dried off prior to storage to prevent any possibility of developing mold or mildew.
If you need an effective, easy to use, maintenance free option to drain water or any water based liquid from just about any sized vessel - a siphon filter could very well be the best option, especially if you don't want to spend a lot of money.
Even the largest and most expensive of these types of pumps can generally be purchased for fewer than twenty dollars, which is far less than you would pay for even a small powered pump.