Tips for Teaching Your Teen About Nutrition
When your child is a baby, you do the best you can to give them nutritious food.
You buy them fruits and vegetables and limit their intake of sweets, but what happens when they become teenagers and they are given the choice of what they eat at the school? How do you make sure that they make the right decisions then? The answer to that question is that you teach them the importance of fitness and nutrition at a young age.
Yes, they may make the decision to eat a candy bar from time to time, but chances are good that they will make the right decisions.
The gym that I go to accepts children when they are 12 years old.
I signed both of my kids up as soon as they hit that age.
My kids beg me to take them.
They want to go every other day! It is so important for children to be this way these days.
I have read that the United States has the biggest population of obesity.
This is, in my opinion, due to families eating more and more fast food and not staying active.
This is a trend that we must stop...
and fast! We as parents have the ability to turn this trend around.
Involve your children with the planning and cooking of your meals.
Teach them the importance of eating the right amount of fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy and oils.
The United States Department of Agriculture suggests the flowing for a nutritious diet: • Eat at least 3 ounces of whole grain bread, cereal, crackers, rice, or pasta every day.
It is important to make sure what you buy says "whole grain" • Depending on the age, sex, and level of activity of the person, you should eat between 1 and 3 cups a day of vegetables.
These can be raw, or cooked.
You can also drink vegetable juices.
• Depending on the age, sex, and level of activity of the person, you should eat between 1 and 2 ½ cups of fruits a day.
This can include fruit juices, fresh, or canned fruits • Most Americans get their oils in nuts, fish, salad dressing and cooking oils.
Again, depending on age, sex and activity levels, you should consume 3-7 teaspoons a day.
• You should eat 2-3 servings of Dairy each day.
This would include milk, cheese or yogurt • You should eat 2-3 servings of proteins each day.
Each serving should be 2 to 3 ounces.
This includes meats, such as poultry or fish, eggs, and nuts.
To view the information I just provided, be sure to visit mypyramid.
It has a lot of great information along with charts to help you decided how many servings you and your family should be eating! Again, I can't stress enough how important it is to teach your children about fitness and nutrition at a young age.
They live the way they are taught and they watch the way you live and eat.
Your health is important too, so bring them up seeing you taking care of yourself and chances are good, they will do the same!
You buy them fruits and vegetables and limit their intake of sweets, but what happens when they become teenagers and they are given the choice of what they eat at the school? How do you make sure that they make the right decisions then? The answer to that question is that you teach them the importance of fitness and nutrition at a young age.
Yes, they may make the decision to eat a candy bar from time to time, but chances are good that they will make the right decisions.
The gym that I go to accepts children when they are 12 years old.
I signed both of my kids up as soon as they hit that age.
My kids beg me to take them.
They want to go every other day! It is so important for children to be this way these days.
I have read that the United States has the biggest population of obesity.
This is, in my opinion, due to families eating more and more fast food and not staying active.
This is a trend that we must stop...
and fast! We as parents have the ability to turn this trend around.
Involve your children with the planning and cooking of your meals.
Teach them the importance of eating the right amount of fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy and oils.
The United States Department of Agriculture suggests the flowing for a nutritious diet: • Eat at least 3 ounces of whole grain bread, cereal, crackers, rice, or pasta every day.
It is important to make sure what you buy says "whole grain" • Depending on the age, sex, and level of activity of the person, you should eat between 1 and 3 cups a day of vegetables.
These can be raw, or cooked.
You can also drink vegetable juices.
• Depending on the age, sex, and level of activity of the person, you should eat between 1 and 2 ½ cups of fruits a day.
This can include fruit juices, fresh, or canned fruits • Most Americans get their oils in nuts, fish, salad dressing and cooking oils.
Again, depending on age, sex and activity levels, you should consume 3-7 teaspoons a day.
• You should eat 2-3 servings of Dairy each day.
This would include milk, cheese or yogurt • You should eat 2-3 servings of proteins each day.
Each serving should be 2 to 3 ounces.
This includes meats, such as poultry or fish, eggs, and nuts.
To view the information I just provided, be sure to visit mypyramid.
It has a lot of great information along with charts to help you decided how many servings you and your family should be eating! Again, I can't stress enough how important it is to teach your children about fitness and nutrition at a young age.
They live the way they are taught and they watch the way you live and eat.
Your health is important too, so bring them up seeing you taking care of yourself and chances are good, they will do the same!