A Microscope For Your Child - Guidelines to Help You Choose
A good microscope can open up a fascinating new world within the world around you, for yourself or your child.
A child can easily manipulate a basic microscope.
In fact, it's easier to use than a video camera and combines great fun with being educational.
You need to choose wisely, however.
There are toy microscopes available, but most are too small and have poor optics and mechanics.
They can also be hard to use.
If you get a poor microscope, your child may be disappointed and lose interest, thus abandoning a potentially fascinating activity.
It is worth paying for a simple, good-quality microscope that will last for years.
Toy microscopes You may come across toy microscopes that are claimed to have high magnification, such as 500x or 1000x.
But a toy microscope with that kind of magnification is very limited.
To get quality images at that magnification, the microscope must have good optics and lighting.
In any case, a child or beginner does not need that level of magnification.
Some companies produce microscopes designed for children that are inexpensive but adequate.
They have low magnification of, say, 10x to 20x.
The controls are simple and large, there's a single eyepiece, and the image is upright.
Children can relate easily to what they see.
There's a wide range of models to choose from, with prices to match, but your child will get as much fun using a good simple scope as from using an expensive, high-quality one.
Basic but good-quality In buying a first microscope, there is not much point in spending a lot on a top-of-the-range model.
It will have many sophisticated features that are hardly needed by a child, or even a beginner.
And note that some basic models can be upgraded with accessories and extra optics.
In general, as long as you don't waste money on a toy scope, your child will get great enjoyment from using a simple, basic one that does not cost much.
A child can easily manipulate a basic microscope.
In fact, it's easier to use than a video camera and combines great fun with being educational.
You need to choose wisely, however.
There are toy microscopes available, but most are too small and have poor optics and mechanics.
They can also be hard to use.
If you get a poor microscope, your child may be disappointed and lose interest, thus abandoning a potentially fascinating activity.
It is worth paying for a simple, good-quality microscope that will last for years.
Toy microscopes You may come across toy microscopes that are claimed to have high magnification, such as 500x or 1000x.
But a toy microscope with that kind of magnification is very limited.
To get quality images at that magnification, the microscope must have good optics and lighting.
In any case, a child or beginner does not need that level of magnification.
Some companies produce microscopes designed for children that are inexpensive but adequate.
They have low magnification of, say, 10x to 20x.
The controls are simple and large, there's a single eyepiece, and the image is upright.
Children can relate easily to what they see.
There's a wide range of models to choose from, with prices to match, but your child will get as much fun using a good simple scope as from using an expensive, high-quality one.
Basic but good-quality In buying a first microscope, there is not much point in spending a lot on a top-of-the-range model.
It will have many sophisticated features that are hardly needed by a child, or even a beginner.
And note that some basic models can be upgraded with accessories and extra optics.
In general, as long as you don't waste money on a toy scope, your child will get great enjoyment from using a simple, basic one that does not cost much.