How to Write Devotions for Single Parents
- 1). Choose an outline for the devotional. Most devotionals start with a central thought encapsulated in a short title. The devotional then tells a story or example, relates this story to a scriptural reference, and closes by quoting scripture and/or writing a short prayer. This method is illustrated by the anagram PIER: Point, Illustration, Explanation, Reference.
- 2). Choose a point that focuses on an experience familiar to single parents. Topics such as daily stress, financial pressures or dealing with the child's non-resident parent each influence single parents' life on a daily basis.
- 3). Choose an illustration or personal experience that creatively connects the dots between the single parent's experiences and an encouraging idea.
- 4). Explain the connection between the point and the illustration. In just a few sentences, connect the dots between how the single parent's feelings and experiences can be reinterpreted or applied to the chosen illustration.
- 5). Complete the devotional with a scripture reference that speaks encouragingly to the point and illustration. For example, a scripture reference speaking about forgiveness could be used at the end of a devotional on handling the child's non-resident parent. A scripture reference on patience could be used at the end of a devotional discussing the trials of raising children.
- 6). Re-read the completed devotional. After setting the devotional aside for a short period, re-read it for clarity and conciseness. A devotional's power comes from its brevity and clarity of thought. Check for and replace any typos, unclear words and poor grammar.