How Can I Find An Honest Psychic I Can Trust?
Are all psychic honest?
I would LOVE to say yes...but the unfortunate truth is the answer is no. Most ARE in my experience, but there are always some bad ones in the bunch that give a bad name to the rest of them. Remember though...lots of people who advertise psychic services are NOT psychic at all, so I'm not even really counting that group as part of the equation. I'm only referring to people who are genuinely gifted with psychic sensitive's and insight who are occasionally selfish, or motivated by dishonest motivations. (usually money!)
How can you make sure the psychic you call or visit is honest?
Very easy. First of all, remember, the vast majority of psychics ARE in fact honest, in my experience. While I tend to believe that people in general are "good" by nature, I've found that those that have special gifts are even MORE likely to be good people, simply because they see more of the REAL picture. (and don't focus so much on the silly, petty stuff) But I always recommend you do some due diligence before you hire a reader. Check out the network they work for or the service (if any) they are associated with. Do they offer a money back guarantee? What if you are unhappy with the reading? Have they been around a while...and do they have a track record of satisfied callers and clients? All of these things are a great way to see if a reader is the real deal...and of course, is trustworthy as well.
Lastly...the #1 thing I look for when it comes to relationship building with a psychic?
Rapport, plain and simple. You can have the most honest intuitive in the world...but if you don't have a connection with them, or feel that special "bond" on the phone or in person, your reading will NOT be as good as it could be. Rapport is simply the invisible stream of information, energy and EMPATHY between two people. When you share this connection with a genuine psychic, the benefits are big, beautiful and AMAZING. (You'll know it when you experience it...that I can promise!)