Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Exactly what motivates the process that results in rheumatoid arthritis is unclear to science but it is known that white blood cells are involved. Their normal function is to attack invaders to the body such as bacteria but in cases of rheumatoid arthritis they migrate from a person's bloodstream and into the thin membranes that line their joints. They somehow make these areas swollen and eventually proteins that are released by the reaction build up in the region. This can damage tendons, ligaments, and even bone, forcing the joint to become deformed and hard to use.
- There are distinct signs of rheumatoid arthritis to look for. Joint pain is the obvious indicator and the joints will swell and be tender to touch. Your hands if they are affected by rheumatoid arthritis will become reddish and puffy and bumps of tissue can form under the skin of your arms. You will be quite stiff and inflexible when you get up in the morning and this can last for up to an hour. Even such symptoms as fever and loss of weight can accompany rheumatoid arthritis.
- In most cases rheumatoid arthritis will occur in many joints all at once. The early stages of the condition will be in your smaller joints initially, with hands, ankles, feet, and wrists at risk. It can advance into your elbows, knees, shoulders, and other larger joints as time progresses. At certain times it can flare up and become severe, only to seemingly stop altogether before coming back.
- When rheumatoid arthritis is severe it can makes even the simplest tasks that you take for granted nearly impossible to perform or complete. If it is in your hands you will have all you can do to tie your shoes for instance. These things will take much longer and require more effort to accomplish than previously and it will cause not only pain but frustration and depression. In some people they will become so debilitated that they can no longer do certain things.
- Although rheumatoid arthritis can't be cured there are medications and treatments available to reduce the effects of it. The goal of treatment is to slow the advance of joint damage and ease painful symptoms. While surgery is sometimes needed in extreme cases, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids can help. Drugs known as immunosuppressants can work on your immune system and try to get it under control. Other drugs are utilized to attempt to block the process that causes rheumatoid arthritis.