We Can"t Wait - Until Obama Leaves Office!
His message is: "We Can't Wait!" Well as a non-supporter of President Obama's Administration, I can honestly say that; I can't wait, I can't wait until he is discharged from his office, and he and his Czars and Administration are sent packing.
Why do I say this you ask? Because I believe in free market capitalism, and I don't believe socialism is right for America; I feel far too much of his policy-making is based on socialist theory.
The Republicans are charging the Obama Administration with hypocrisy in using this message of; "We Can't Wait," because everyone in the United States has waited for three years for the Obama Administration to get us out of this economic slump as they promised they would.
They also promised to bring jobs back to America, which they did not.
In fact everything they promised they were going to do, they haven't done, and we've waited a long time, things have basically gotten worse under Obama's leadership.
Apparently he believes that he can con the American people into thinking that the reason there are no jobs is because there is a bottleneck in Congress, and a problem with the government.
And he is blaming his dismal performance on the fact that the government and Congress has not been able to work properly, get along, come to common terms, ditch the politics, introduce legislation to solve these problems.
However, if it is the government that is the problem, one has to ask who is in charge of the government; wouldn't that be the president? President Obama was quoted as saying that the Congress is dysfunctional because they will not pass his job Bill.
Well, was the Congress functional when passing ObamaCare? Because if that's what we call the functional, a Congress which would pass such a horrible Bill, that no one read, then this dysfunction is probably better than functioning in this case.
Apparently, because President Obama can't get his way on his socialist manifesto, he is now trying to place the blame on the U.
Why is he doing this you ask? It's really simple, because he can't blame the Bush Administration anymore, so now he is blaming Congress.
At some point President Obama and his administration are going to have to admit that they failed, that they are in over their heads, and no one is listening to their excuses, complaints, or even race-baiting tactics any longer.
Their record speaks for itself, and quite badly at that.
Please consider all this and think on it.
Let's vote these folks out of office at the earliest convenience.