Backyard Hot Tub Ideas
- Most hot tubs are stand-alone tubs on a deck or concrete slab. While this works well for most people, if you are designing a new deck or backyard and you want a hot tub, you can incorporate the hot tub into the design. Setting the hot tub under an elevated deck where the rim is even with the deck's platform, is a nice easy way to get that built in look. If your deck has several levels, set the hot tub on one of the middle levels off to one side in its only little area, if possible. Have that area of the deck the same shape as the hot tub, only larger.
In your yard, you can have an in-ground hot tub, if desired. Many times, it is part of the pool area, but you don't have to have a pool do this. You may want to install a pathway to your home so that mud is not tracked into the house. Make the hot tub area blends in with your yard rather than stick out like a sore thumb. Have planters with blooming plants and plant a tree nearby to give your hot tub some shade, if desired. - If your tub stands alone, it must be on a solid foundation like brick, concrete or a solid deck. Think about the ways you will use your tub. Will it be used mostly as a relaxing retreat for you and your family, or will be used by you and guests during parties and gatherings? If you plan to use the hot tub mostly as a private relaxing activity, then choose an area of your yard that is both private and has nice scenery. For example, if you live near the mountains, place it where you can best see the mountains. Design a foundation that is decorative, like patterned bricks and continue a pathway to your home. Add solar path lights from the hot tub to your home. It will not only look nice, it will make going to and from your hot tub at night easier and safer.
If you plan to use your hot tub mostly while you are entertaining, placing it near the house is best. Right outside the door (on the deck or patio area), off to the side works well. Add bench seating in the same shape as your hot tub. Install it several feet outside the perimeter of your tub on the sides without the steps. This will allow the guests who are not in the hot tub to participate in the conversation. - If you want some privacy while using your hot tub, you can install some lattice work on the exposed sides. Hang some plants on the lattice for additional privacy and a more aesthetically pleasing look. You can even install an outdoor fireplace on one side, which will add romance to your hot tub area, as well as double as a privacy wall.