Chemical Control of Fruit Trees
- Fungus can damage fruit trees if not controlled.fungus image by x-shader from
Fungus is one disease that can hinder a fruit tree. To effectively kill the fungus, first identify it to determine the type of antifungal application to use. For example, applications containing chlorothalonil work on brown rot and black knot in plum, apricot and cherry trees. Rust and scab common to apple and pear trees is eliminated with antifungus products that contain ferbam, mancozeb, neem oil or sulfur. To narrow down which fungus it may be, find out which diseases are prevalent to the region. For example, black rot attacks apple and pear trees in the southeast. - The following year, be proactive by spraying fungicide on a fruit tree in the spring when you first see vegetation. Taking this preventative measure curtails the fungus, which would be already established and mature by the time it becomes visible to the eye.
- Insects can ruin fruit trees.insect,insect image by Mirek Hejnicki from
Fruit trees can suffer great damage from such pests as fruit flies, mites, apple maggots and coddling moths. But they can be controlled with insecticide. For instance, ryania gets rid of the codling moths. Some insecticides also get rid of multiple pests. Pyrethrin sprays eliminate aphids, beetles, stink bugs, caterpillars, leaf hoppers and adult mites. Sabadilla WP or dust kills beetles and stink bugs. Insecticidal soap controls mites,stink bugs and aphids. Ultrafine horticultural oil gets rid of insect eggs,scale insects and mites. - Insecticides are available in both spray and powder form. However, sprays are easier to use. Plus, they provide better coverage.
- Insecticides also come in ready-made form or concentrates. If choosing a concentrate, follow the label's instructions when mixing the insecticide.
- Another option is a general chemical that kills both pests and diseases that attack fruit trees. This spray usually contains methoxychlor to control chewing insects, malathion to kill sucking insects and captan to control diseases.
- Apply chemical controls in mid-April before the trees begin to bloom, in mid-June a couple of weeks after the blooms fall and again in late August.