Nancy Madore"s Enchanted
All in which are cleverly written and allows you to be drawn into each fantasy.
You can find this particular book is found through Harlequin's Spice and some of the stories were re-published through Spice Briefs.
The new take on the old fairy tale classics will leave you speechless.
Even if you're not sure about the Erotic side of this book, the witty twist of each story is enough for you to take a look at.
There are thirteen different stories total, each with it's own unique take.
• Beauty and the Beast~ Gives you a whole new look on the Classic • Bluebeard~ This story was intriguing.
• Cat and Mouse~ I loved this one! • Cinderella~ Her idea to what happened to Cinderella after the slipper was intoxicating! • East of the Sun and West of the Moon~ Brilliant! • Goldilocks and the Three Barons~ Okay this one was a little out there...
But I essentially enjoyed it.
• Mirror on the Wall~ This gives you a whole new look at the Snow White's evil stepmother.
• Mrs.
Fox~ This was naughty, but delightful! Hee-hee...
• Snow White in the Woods~ I ended up loving it after being a little traumatized at first.
• The Empress' New Clothes~ Again, the overall writing was remarkable and creative.
• The Goose Girl~ Different story line, good script, interesting intake.
• The Sheep in Wolves' Clothing~ Very original.
• The Ugly Duckling~ I don't want to boost the authors ego...
but damn! A wonderful way to end a book.
I highly recommend this intoxicating reserve.
And if you are a little sheepish in Erotica, call it an inspirational leap! Happy reading!