Mastering Yourself - Applying the Slight Edge Principles to Business - Jeff Olson
The book could have been written for small business owners.
Having finished college and worked for 10 years in the corporate world, I became a business coach.
Part of my training for my new profession involved a great deal of learning both professionally and personally.
Initially, I was very sceptical about the personal development.
I was alien to it.
Even though I was changing career, starting a new business, moving country all in the space of 3 days, I never saw the need to work on my self.
What a rude awakening on May 1st 2002.
I quickly realised that what got me to this point would not take me to the next point.
Yes, I had sufficient business knowledge, I had good business sense, I had a degree in business and 10 years at the coal face of business - sales and marketing.
What I lacked was self mastery.
The lack of self mastery manifested itself as I began to work with new clients.
To be successful as a coach, it was important for me to help my clients to change from where they were in their business.
Most changes were initiated by mindset changes.
This required discipline.
While I achieved good results initially with clients, the relationships were not sustained because I was not achieving mindset change.
For me to achieve it, I would have to understand it myself and apply it my self.
I set about a course of learning that I maintain to this day.
Like anything else it is a discipline.
When I coach clients on the subject of Mastery, I start by explaining the principle of BExDO=HAVE.
I explain that in order to have certain things in life, be they material things, spiritual things, specific goals etc, you have to firstly identify what they may be for you.
Then you need to DO what ever you need to do to make them happen.
However, doing on its own is not enough - you must become the person you want to be in your own mind first That's the BE.
Who do you need to BE today? This is then linked to visualisation and verbalisation which compound the belief systems.
If you are in the throes of changing your career or are planning on starting your own business, then you need to BE the new person in your own mind first for it to happen.
This will empower you towards your goals.
It will enable the law of attraction to work.
We use Mastery as the foundation stone for every business that we work with.