Discover The Secrets Of How To Build DIY Solar Panels - It Is Possible To Build Your Own Do-It-Yours
Well they are not at all, even a young
child can build it with ease. You don't
need to understand electricity to build
panels, neither be a carpenter.
By doing it yourself you can save yourself a lot of money. Why use the current electricity suppliers when you can save yourself up to 80% and even more with your electricity bill. The government and these suppliers are just bleeding all of us dry, always the excuse that this and that are the reasons why electricity is getting more expensive. I say stuff them!
So what are the benefits to you!
***Reduce or completely eliminate your electricity bill.
***Sell them the extra energy you produce from your own panels.
***Get tax deductions, your resources are friendly to the environment.
***Completely self sufficient and won't have to worry about power outages.
***Protect the environment, no more greenhouse gasses.
***Materials that are easily available and very affordable, like: wire, glass,charging controller,deep cycle battery, wood, silicone, glue and UV Protector. Oh yes, and solar cells.
The typical cost of a DIY assembled solar panel is less than $200 and will pay for itself in a few weeks.
Installing the solar array is easy and you need to install it where maximum sunshine is available for it. Most people will install it on the roof but the front or back yard will do nicely. Make the angle of the panels adjustable for the different seasons of the year as the incident sunlight need to strike the panel perpendicular for best results. Typical completion time for the panels is about 4 to 6 hours after which powering your electrical stuff will be a breeze.
Now my question will be. Will you be joining the 100's of thousands of people across the globe who takes advantage of the sun's free energy and saving yourself and family thousands of dollars annually?
So come and join us! Be self sufficient now!