Effective Website Design Tips For Search Engine Success
Almost everything nowadays point to and use the internet for fast and easy solutions to our everyday needs, tasks and wants. Be they on entertainment and music, job search, payments, purchases and even such things so trivial as viewing photos, drawings and videos.
And where do we find this assortment of information that we so easily access from the internet? From a most common tool that we do not even notice anymore €" the website.
Q: What tool do we use to do searches on the internet?
A: Google.
Q: And what part of Google? Surely, it is not Google's main headquarters.
A: The Google search website.
See what I mean? Even applications that apparently do not need a website still use a website at some point in the process of acquiring and using it. Where do we download these applications from? We get them from the application's developer's website. Or from their sellers.
Now that you know it, you will no longer wonder why there are so many websites that present themselves in our search results. What we will start wondering about is €how do I get to the website I really want with all the information and solutions to my current predicament?€ This is the €audience's€ point of view.
The audience's point of view is the springboard for website design. It is their behaviour in using the internet or websites that the website owner or developer must visualise and €take ownership of€ in order to be able to come up with a website that perfectly match it in relation to the website's likelihood of being €hit€, if possible, as no.1 on page 1 of the search result. This is the ultimate goal of websites.
How is the website able to achieve this? Here are a few salient points the website conceptualiser and developer must take into account in tackling website design.
€ Put your feet in the audience's or user's shoes. This clearly gives you a picture of what they are most likely to do when searching for products or information you are offering in your website.
€ Design your website so that the audience or user will not get exasperated with broken links, blank pages and other €errors€ or shortcomings you personally do not want to experience when using the internet.
€ Make sure that your web server is ALWAYS online €" be it your own or a commercially-purchased facility.
€ Build linking strategies such as articles and blogs that help your website acquire €link backs€. This effectively brings up traffic factor and subsequently, higher ranking at sites that publish visibility or €visitality€ of your website. Google is one such site.
It will not hurt to put in some more time on research about website design, on top of the tips outlined above. There are innumerable website design tools and publications, available mostly from the internet.