The 3 Stages of Increasing Blog Traffic
Or have you realized you need need to be a little more discriminating? You want to get targeted traffic, but are not quite sure how to zone in on the perfect visitor to your blog? There's also a 3rd stage...
this is where you have finally figured out who the ideal reader is to your blog.
You've figured out how to find them, and now you just need to work on getting more of their friends to stop by for a visit.
Let me explain in further detail about the three stages of increasing blog traffic.
The first stage - I'm so excited! I've got people showing up to read my blog.
This stage is usually the beginning blogger.
At this stage they've started a new blog.
Everything is exciting.
They've spent time worring about what to write about, what should they call their blog, which theme to use, plugins...
There is a lot to learn at this stage, and it almost seems like your head is about to explode from all this information.
They have usually written a few posts, and are starting to worry about what happens if they run out of writing ideas.
After a few days they notice that hardly anyone has stopped by to check out their brand spankin' new blog.
The reason they know this is because they are checking their blog stats...
Now they start to panic...
they need traffic to their blog, and they need it now.
In a rash decision this newbie blogger starts doing anything, joining any program promising to skyrocket the number of visitors.
And usually after some effort the traffic numbers start to jump.
The stats start to show some life, and some relief is felt.
However, after a while...
The second stage - Wait a minute...
are these numbers even real? And if so, are these visitors evening interested in my blog...
let alone reading anything.
It suddendly starts to dawn on our new intrepid blogger that this might be a bunch of untargeted traffic.
The bounce rate is sky high, and the average time spent on the blog can be measured in milliseconds.
These people aren't even interested in the subject, and are probably not reading what has been posted.
They are just stopping by to rack up credits or points.
What's needed here is some highly targeted traffic on this blog.
Visitors who are passonately interested in the subject.
People who will read, interact and really care about what's going on.
The only problem is...
our intrepid blogger is not sure how to find all this targeted traffic.
Back to the drawing board to learn how to find passionate readers.
Next comes...
The third stage - Highly targeted traffic is visiting the blog daily.
Now we just have to find more of where that came from.
At this stage our intrepid blogger is well versed in SEO, social media, keyword research and a host of other methods to find the right kind of visitors.
Now the only thing to do is keep driving along looking for new readers.
At this point the blogger is probably hitting full stride with posting and interacting with their readers.
They are starting to build a bond between each other.
Life is good.