Pregnancy and Fertility - Talking To Your Baby To Enhance Fertility and Support Success in Pregnancy
When you do become pregnant sometimes there is a fear of really connecting with your baby just in case the pregnancy comes to an end.
Along with this, there is the myth that you should not really tell others about your pregnancy until you have passed the three months mark.
As a result, instead of a sense of celebration about being pregnant- new parents may postpone the joy of really connecting with baby until they are more sure about the viability of the pregnancy.
Talking To Baby to Support The Pregnancy While you may be inclined to protect yourself, the reality is that you are pregnant and have a baby now and that this precious moment will never return.
Your baby is taking cues from your behaviour and feelings.
Every thought you have is shared with your baby.
When you are feeling happy and optimistic about the pregnancy you convey to your baby that all is well.
When you talk to your baby, you make a connection with this new life and communicate your desire to get to know him or her.
How To Connect With Baby To Support Pregnancy Even if you are worried, you can explain to your baby that he is very welcome.
You can begin to share the wonders of this world such as delicious tastes and smells, laughter and singing.
You can let your baby know that this is a safe and beautiful place to be.
You can deliberately feel happy, curious and excited about being a mother.
You can inform your baby that your womb is the perfect space for him to grow and that the two of you will know exactly what to do for safe, gentle, full-term birth.