How to Use Twitter For Marketing Without Using Spam!
However, most marketers make the same mistakes in using this service and not only do they not have success, they actually hurt their own reputation.
This short article is designed to give some great tips for professional marketers to succeed on twitter.
The following are the biggest mistakes most marketers make on twitter: 1...
Many marketers think that they can just get a bunch of people to follow them and then start sending advertisements for followers to read.
This is a huge mistake and will ensure that not only will you not get anyone to click your ad, you will also ensure that followers will ignore all future posts you make.
If you want the fastest way to become ignored and hated on twitter, go ahead and send your spam.
I can promise you that you will be providing the greatest sales prevention program ever to your followers.
Mass Following Others Hoping They Follow Back.
If you want to get followers that will actually read your posts this is the worse way to accomplish this.
Most people that follow back will be using auto follow services which means that they are only following you back in hopes that you will read their advertisements.
So you will not gain any readers of your posts this way! So what is the right way to use Twitter for Internet marketing professionals? It's actually very basic.
Then there is the right way to send out an advertisement without actually sending spam.
You need to learn some basic etiquette in doing this...
Some Tips To Marketing On Twitter: (A)...
How to Build Followers That Will Read Your Messages: You must be personal just like a non-commercial user.
There really is no shortcuts to this and you must at least spend a little time building your following.
You will need to actually communicate with using the twitter reply function to talk to people before simply following them and hoping they follow you back.
It's OK to follow someone but you cannot expect them to follow you and actually read your future messages if they have not had any past personal conversations with you! With just a couple of simple short conversations back and forth you will establish a relationship that will make them want to read your messages! (B)...
How To Send Out Ad's To Followers: The first thing to understand is that if it looks like a straight advertisement then the rule of thumb is to NOT send it out! So how do you advertise to followers your products or services? You need to also understand that the amount of messages you send that are advertising related should be less than 5% of the total messages you send that are not commercial related! Twitter is a social network NOT a medium for running commercials about your products.
Followers do not follow you because they want to read your advertisements.
They follow because they like what you have to say in regards to advice or even simple talk.
When your ready to throw out a message that is in any way commercial in nature you should instead direct them to your web site with an article that provides value in reading (something that can help them) and then within the article have your actual advertising.
Using this method will not only get someone reading your advertisement, it will also ensure that your followers are provided with constant reading material that will keep them coming back for more.
An Easy Way To Send Commercial Messages On Twitter? OK, here you go...
If you insist on sending blatant advertising messages on twitter then use twitters free BizFollow service.
This will allow you to send out commercial advertising without affecting your own twitter account and only twitter users who have elected to view these type of messages will read it.
Here is how this works: 1...
You follow the twitter user @BizFollow.
Within a short time BizFollow will automatically follow you back.
You then send your marketing message as a direct message to BizFollow.
BizFollow will automatically take and post your message as if BizFollow had directly posted it.
Pretty slick huh? All of the other followers to BizFollow will see your message and your twitter account will not be affected! In Closing: You must realize what Twitter is: "A Social Networking Medium".
To use it successfully you need to use it as such and brand yourself as a actual person that enjoys talking to others and show that you are there to provide value in conversations.
(Not as a commercial entity)...
Understanding this is the key to successful marketing on twitter.
Take a close look at the successful marketers on twitters and you will notice that this is one thing that they all have in common!