Discover the Tank Friends Your Betta Fish Can Live With
Betta Fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish because of their "Fight to the Death" attitude if two males are placed in the same tank together are particularly fussy about who they share their tank with.
So the aim of this article is to give you a few pointers on which fish can be considered "Tank Friends" for your Betta Fish and the ones that are definite "No Go's!" It is important to remember that Betta Fish despite being astonishing fish to watch are not particularly fast swimmers compared with other aquarium fish.
Therefore, you want to avoid tank buddies who are quicker swimmers than your Betta's who could potentially harass, bite and nip your fish.
In my experience you want to AVOID putting these fish in with your Betta Fish: - Large Tetras - Goldfish - Guppies - Guaramis - Silver Dollars - Tiger Barbs - Other Male Betta's Usually, if Betta's are in the same tank as the above fish a lot of biting and nipping will take place often causing your Betta to become stressed and flare up - not good! Tank friends that your Betta Fish can have and will not try and fight are: - White Cloud Minnow - Rasbora - Angelfish - Danios - Platy - Pleco's - Small Catfish (Raphael & Bumblebee) - Neon Tetra's - Corydoras - Plecostomus - Cory Casts - Oto's ======================== IMPORTANT TIP ======================== When introducing any of the above tank friends, from the can have section :-), in with your Betta Fish observe your tank community very closely for a couple of days because you could find a new fish will disrupt the tank.
Some nipping and biting will unfortunately occur as the new fish enters the tank as your Betta's get to know their new friend.
However, if you notice fin damage on your Betta's or abnormal amounts of fighting between the fish it is best to remove the new tank friend...
and put him in a separate tank, as you can always try putting the new fish back in the same tank as your Betta's again at a later date.
You will find each fish has a different temperament/personality, with some being particularly aggressive and others not, a bit like us humans really!So by keeping a close eye on your community you can hopefully nip (no pun intended!) the trouble in the bud.
This should hopefully give you enough information to go on when trying to choose a tank friend(s) for your Betta Fish - best of luck!
So the aim of this article is to give you a few pointers on which fish can be considered "Tank Friends" for your Betta Fish and the ones that are definite "No Go's!" It is important to remember that Betta Fish despite being astonishing fish to watch are not particularly fast swimmers compared with other aquarium fish.
Therefore, you want to avoid tank buddies who are quicker swimmers than your Betta's who could potentially harass, bite and nip your fish.
In my experience you want to AVOID putting these fish in with your Betta Fish: - Large Tetras - Goldfish - Guppies - Guaramis - Silver Dollars - Tiger Barbs - Other Male Betta's Usually, if Betta's are in the same tank as the above fish a lot of biting and nipping will take place often causing your Betta to become stressed and flare up - not good! Tank friends that your Betta Fish can have and will not try and fight are: - White Cloud Minnow - Rasbora - Angelfish - Danios - Platy - Pleco's - Small Catfish (Raphael & Bumblebee) - Neon Tetra's - Corydoras - Plecostomus - Cory Casts - Oto's ======================== IMPORTANT TIP ======================== When introducing any of the above tank friends, from the can have section :-), in with your Betta Fish observe your tank community very closely for a couple of days because you could find a new fish will disrupt the tank.
Some nipping and biting will unfortunately occur as the new fish enters the tank as your Betta's get to know their new friend.
However, if you notice fin damage on your Betta's or abnormal amounts of fighting between the fish it is best to remove the new tank friend...
and put him in a separate tank, as you can always try putting the new fish back in the same tank as your Betta's again at a later date.
You will find each fish has a different temperament/personality, with some being particularly aggressive and others not, a bit like us humans really!So by keeping a close eye on your community you can hopefully nip (no pun intended!) the trouble in the bud.
This should hopefully give you enough information to go on when trying to choose a tank friend(s) for your Betta Fish - best of luck!