The Best Remedy For Hair Loss
Hair loss is medically known as alopecia or balding.
Usually on the average a person can lose about 100 hair strands per day and are replaced with new growth.
Hair loss is losing too much from the scalp and becomes a serious issue once you start losing more than normal.
Let us have a look at the main reasons for hair fall then I will tell you the best remedy for hair loss.
There are many reasons for loss and the most common reason is due to hereditary.
It is passed from family to family and it needs early treatment otherwise it can prove costly and you could end up bald.
The next reason is due to the hormonal changes in your body which usually occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menstruation.
If your body lacks vitamins, then you could not only end up with loss of hair but have other health problems.
Leading a stressful life also can be a cause of loss of hair.
The stress causes the hair follicles to weaken resulting in damaged hair and after the hair fall no new hair takes its place as the blood supply is cut of.
Now let's see the best remedy for hair loss: The best remedy for loss of hair like you expected is not some hair transplant surgery or harmful chemicals which are available on the internet.
I would recommend simple remedies for hair loss which you can prepare at home with herbs.
There are so many herbs world wide that can stop loss of hair and strengthen your hair follicle.
Gotu kola: This herb promotes hair growth and increases the blood flow in the scalp.
It rejuvenates the follicles which strengthens the texture of the hair.
Pumpkin oil: I'm sure many of you are not aware of the use of pumpkin oil.
It is called Cucurbita maxima herbal oil extracted from pumpkin seeds.
It stops the DHT in your hair scalp.
The DHT is the main reason for loss as it weakens the follicles.
Indian gooseberry: It is also called amla.
It is a gooseberry and its oil is very powerful for stimulating the growth of hair as it increases the blood supply in the hair.
Lettuce: You can take a mixture of lettuce with spinach daily as it improves hair growth.
You can drink around half liter a day.
Lime: This may surprise you as rubbing lime juice on your scalp can reduce dandruff.
It may give you a burning sensation but it strengthens your hair follicles.
Liquorice: You can use a paste of liquorice which can be made by grinding it with milk.
You can put it on overnight and wash with a mild shampoo in the morning.
The above herbal remedies can surely help with your hair loss.
However don't try too much of experimenting as some may not suit you, depending on the type of your hair.
Try it out and notice the difference.
Usually on the average a person can lose about 100 hair strands per day and are replaced with new growth.
Hair loss is losing too much from the scalp and becomes a serious issue once you start losing more than normal.
Let us have a look at the main reasons for hair fall then I will tell you the best remedy for hair loss.
There are many reasons for loss and the most common reason is due to hereditary.
It is passed from family to family and it needs early treatment otherwise it can prove costly and you could end up bald.
The next reason is due to the hormonal changes in your body which usually occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menstruation.
If your body lacks vitamins, then you could not only end up with loss of hair but have other health problems.
Leading a stressful life also can be a cause of loss of hair.
The stress causes the hair follicles to weaken resulting in damaged hair and after the hair fall no new hair takes its place as the blood supply is cut of.
Now let's see the best remedy for hair loss: The best remedy for loss of hair like you expected is not some hair transplant surgery or harmful chemicals which are available on the internet.
I would recommend simple remedies for hair loss which you can prepare at home with herbs.
There are so many herbs world wide that can stop loss of hair and strengthen your hair follicle.
Gotu kola: This herb promotes hair growth and increases the blood flow in the scalp.
It rejuvenates the follicles which strengthens the texture of the hair.
Pumpkin oil: I'm sure many of you are not aware of the use of pumpkin oil.
It is called Cucurbita maxima herbal oil extracted from pumpkin seeds.
It stops the DHT in your hair scalp.
The DHT is the main reason for loss as it weakens the follicles.
Indian gooseberry: It is also called amla.
It is a gooseberry and its oil is very powerful for stimulating the growth of hair as it increases the blood supply in the hair.
Lettuce: You can take a mixture of lettuce with spinach daily as it improves hair growth.
You can drink around half liter a day.
Lime: This may surprise you as rubbing lime juice on your scalp can reduce dandruff.
It may give you a burning sensation but it strengthens your hair follicles.
Liquorice: You can use a paste of liquorice which can be made by grinding it with milk.
You can put it on overnight and wash with a mild shampoo in the morning.
The above herbal remedies can surely help with your hair loss.
However don't try too much of experimenting as some may not suit you, depending on the type of your hair.
Try it out and notice the difference.