Easy Ways to Make Fast Cash
- 1). Start a part-time job during the hours you're not normally working. You can make a couple hundred dollars a week and, if you choose something like waiting tables, you can start seeing cash the first night you work via tips.
- 2). Make crafts and sell them. Use online sites such as Ebay and Etsy to market your items and get a quick return on your work, especially if you take payments via PayPal.
- 3). Rent out something that you own. You may have a prime parking space, a lawnmower, or a food processor. Use online posting sites such as Craigslist to advertise your items. Request a deposit on items that could be stolen.
- 4). Advertise lawn maintenance, house-cleaning, or babysitting services. You can do these without spending any money and you'll be paid right away.
- 5). Hold a yard sale. Clear some of the clutter out of your home and make money off things you don't need.
- 6). Post things you own that you no longer want on sites like Ebay, Craigslist, and Amazon.
- 7). Return any items you've purchased that can still be returned.
- 8). Sign up for medical tests through the National Institutes of Health. This can pay well if you're willing to let scientists try new treatments on you.
- 9). Find a boarder to rent an extra room in your home. Create a lease, set a rent agreement, and rake in extra money each month.
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Apply for a payday loan. This will actually cost you money when you receive your paycheck, but it can help you get through a lean week. - 11
Pawn large items like electronics and instruments. - 12
Donate plasma. The initial donation often pays more than the $35 that most clinics pay for each donation thereafter. You can often donate two to three times per week.