A Greener Lawn
Is it about the choice of grass originally sown or laid?; is it about climatic factors?; is it about the condition of your soil?; is it about the the type of soil?; is it about turf being better than seeding?; is it about scarifying and general care and maintenance?; is it about water application?;or is it about nutrients? You are about to get some answers.
Always bear in mind that there are two very general choices for grass, one strain that grows well in the Northern Hemisphere and that other that fairs well south of the Equator.
Getting this wrong is disastrous, so ensure you have the correct variety.
They are categorized as cool season grasses (for northern climes) and warm season grasses (for antipodeans).
For the north, Kentucky Bluegrass is a good choice - make sure it is a recent mix of varieties - because it tends to maintain its form without too much feeding and even in an extended rain free period.
The variations of Fescue are also a preferred option as they need vary little care to maintain their lushness.
So, mixture is critical; make sure you find the right mix from reputable suppliers.
The natural soil substructure need not be a problem with lawns; topsoil is normally all that is necessary for a successfully green lawn, although do make sure that the subsoil is sound and not likely to sink.
If you are starting from scratch, ensure you add enough sand to the topsoil to aid proper drainage; waterlogged areas will not give you the green lawn you desire but quite the reverse.
Make sure you add in fertilizer which is probably the single most important factor for obtaining a greener lawn.
We will come to that shortly.
Bulk produced fertilizers tend to produce better results, but if you wish to go organic you can use materials such as peat moss, leaf mold and pine bark.
The condition of the soil should also be assessed with regard to adding extra lime where necessary.
Scarifying your lawn will obviously help because the roots thrive on an oxygen supply which will also help to make the grass leaves greener in the long term.
Removing moss and other undesirables with a sturdy grass rake will also help immensely by removing competition for the soils nutrients.
It is nutrients which will ultimately give your lawn the greener look that you so crave.
Organic nutrients are fine and have their place in the garden but they are time consuming to produce, hard to apply quickly and efficiently and do not contain the same intensity and concentration of proprietary brands.
To assess different fertilizer and nutrient products, first look at what they are designed to do.
You want a richer, greener lawn so make sure that the product is geared up to achieve the results you want.
A broad rule of thumb to begin with is around ten to fifteen kilos of a high grade fertilizer, such as N5-P10-K15, N6-P12-K12, N5-P10-K10, or N7-P14-K21 for each 1000 square feet of lawn.
When a soluble form of nitrogen is employed, do not utilize in excess 500 grams of nitrogen per 1000 square feet.
If you follow the few basic rules outlined above, it is then all about choosing the best product available for making your lawn greener.
Shop around and see what works for you.