Where There"s an Infection I Can Also Happen
the I guess situation that is most feared by performers and its vocal cord nodules and I think there's a lot of certain myths about vocal cord nodules and what they mean Permanent e to get them your career is over none of which most return true the no tools are nachos when I jus form they're actually bruises so I remember when I talked before about the lining that sits over the vocal cords there's that space that potential space between the see bruises that form in that space because I've slamming the vocal chords together so if you think it think about it have a bruise on another part of your body and you keep hitting bruise.
it's going to stay bruise and in the vocal cords when you have and it's always too always opposing each other when you have some swelling or bruising you just keep hitting it and that's it hitting about records in that same area you end up with Nigel's and not just the reason they form in that area the anterior third in the book courses because that's the part a vocal cord that comes together most during forceful speaking and Nigel scan they you can have preliminary swelling before the turn in the actual jewels and then if they stay there for a longtime without treatment than the nachos the bruises can turn into scarring so.
I think one you know if you think about oh I have-not does my career's over its really people who've been horse for a very longtime and it hasn't been treated and they sing over do they talk over and just becomes serve incorporated into their voice and then you can get to a point where you really can do anything about it but for most people you have a healthy singing or speaking voice and you start to become whores and if you have something like nine does the treatment is actually voice their bed and as there was saying before it isn't necessarily Voice there be for singing its voice therapy for the Wiki speak because speaking usually does more damage to the vocal cords then singing so Safer Colon this is an example love have swelling and just overgeneralizing the vocal cords so this can happen in something like laryngitis where there's an infection I can also happen just from overuse when people sing really hard or if they have a cold and they try to sink through it may feel kind of Titans fallen.
it's going to stay bruise and in the vocal cords when you have and it's always too always opposing each other when you have some swelling or bruising you just keep hitting it and that's it hitting about records in that same area you end up with Nigel's and not just the reason they form in that area the anterior third in the book courses because that's the part a vocal cord that comes together most during forceful speaking and Nigel scan they you can have preliminary swelling before the turn in the actual jewels and then if they stay there for a longtime without treatment than the nachos the bruises can turn into scarring so.
I think one you know if you think about oh I have-not does my career's over its really people who've been horse for a very longtime and it hasn't been treated and they sing over do they talk over and just becomes serve incorporated into their voice and then you can get to a point where you really can do anything about it but for most people you have a healthy singing or speaking voice and you start to become whores and if you have something like nine does the treatment is actually voice their bed and as there was saying before it isn't necessarily Voice there be for singing its voice therapy for the Wiki speak because speaking usually does more damage to the vocal cords then singing so Safer Colon this is an example love have swelling and just overgeneralizing the vocal cords so this can happen in something like laryngitis where there's an infection I can also happen just from overuse when people sing really hard or if they have a cold and they try to sink through it may feel kind of Titans fallen.