Introduction to Indonesian Wayang
If viewed from the meaning of its philosophy "wayang" can be interpreted as a shadow or a reflection of the existing properties in the human soul, such as anger, virtue, greed, and others and act as a tool to demonstrate a puppet story.
In the puppet show known sets of sets of right and left.
The Right Set is a collection of figures or a warrior-knight defender of truth and virtue, while The Left Set is a collections of figures reflected greed, lust, and anger characters.
However this provision is not absolute.
Puppet show can be performed on the day and night with the show for one play is about seven to eight hours.
Musical instruments used in the accompanying puppet show is called Javanese gamelan.
In determining the play that will be presented a puppeteer can not just choose according to his will but regulated by several factors.
Among them are: (1) types of puppets are used as demonstration equipment; (2), belief in the surrounding community; (3) the purposes of holding the show.
Will affect the type of puppet plays that can be served through the puppet-puppet.
A set of shadow puppets for example can only be used to play a story-tale from the Mahabharata or Ramayana.
Hundred years ago, leather puppet show was a religious ceremonies with the to unite with "Sang Hyang" (or God), performed at night by a medium (shaman) or done by the leader of the family by taking the stories of their family ancestors.
This ceremony is intended for the call and connect with ancestral spirits in order to beg for help and His blessing if the family want to start or has finished performing a task.
Such ceremonies are expected to arise at the time of Neolithic Indonesia or around ±1500 BC.
In the development later this ceremony done by a person who has the expertise, or making it a permanent job, called a puppeteer.
In a period long enough puppet show and then continue to grow gradually but still maintain its core functions, namely as an activity associated with the system of trust and education.