The Simple Principles That Will Help You Attract Women
However the laws of attraction are interesting and many of us share common interests in what we desire in one another.
Physical attraction is important but can be short lived if personality is lacking.
There is no question that physical attraction can help you initially to get the ball rolling.
With that said if everything else falls short then you will not achieve long term results.
When it comes to attracting women it will be your ability to relate to them that will play a critical role.
That's why we can all relate to wondering why some guys who are not that attractive seem to end up with good looking girls.
There ability to interact is the key ingredient to their success.
They know how to do this because they know what to look for and as a result they just let things naturally take their course.
On the other hand there are guys who try and force the issue and this comes off as been boring or socially inadequate.
Women tend to see right through it when guys are trying to impress them.
As a result they get the cold shoulder and end up going home alone.
To be able to interact with women successful you need to understand where they are coming from.
How they think and what their hot buttons are.
By the way you should never be false as this will catch up with you.
Be real and understand your strengths and how best they relate to her.
The key is to be in control then let things naturally take their course.
Then before you know it the whole notion that you feared or rejected initially will seem ridiculous.