More Natural Remedies to Help with Arthritis
There are a number of natural medicines on the market, which all seem to benefit the condition.
However, there is a combination which has proven to produce some outstanding results.
By taking Minerals, Vitamins and Anti- Oxidants you may find a difference too.
1) Minerals and Vitamins:Many cases of arthritis are caused by nutritional deficiency so the first objective is to achieve the right level of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in order to restore balance to the body and help it to promote the necessary healing processes.
Vitamins cannot work without the presence of minerals and the main minerals involved with arthritis are calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, boron and many others.
Because many minerals are mutually synergistic they often work better when combined together in precise proportions.
Please see a previous article entitled Sub Colloidal Mineral and Vitamins, which covers this more fully.
2) Combating Free Radicals: To go with the above one should consider taking a powerful anti-oxidant.
Research has shown that arthritis is primarily caused by free radical damage.
Free radicals are rogue atoms with an electron missing which causes breakdown in various parts of the body.
Nowadays, free radicals can often reach epidemic proportions from substances like car exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, herbicides, pesticides; x-rays; certain prescription drugs, medicated water supplies and alcohol etc.
If there is a mineral deficiency, then free radicals are able to form in the system and attack areas such as the cartilage causing the typical symptoms of pain, inflammation and swelling.
Unless action is taken, tissue breakdown continues and is further aggravated from increasing wear and tear.
Because many medical drugs create free radicals, they can make the problem worse by adding to the damage of the joint.
Every day each one of our body cells is now attacked by an estimated 10,000 free radicals.
Normally, the body would combat free radicals with a natural substance we know as an anti oxidant, but as we grow older the amount of naturally occurring anti oxidant, the body produces becomes greatly reduced.
By the age of 40, the anti oxidant level can drop by 50%, and between the ages of 60 and 70 to below 10%! Fortunately, free radicals can be neutralized by taking an anti oxidant supplement comprised of proanthocyanidins or "pycnogenol".
(Pycnogenol is a term first developed by professor J.
Mesqualler of Bordeaux University and simply refers to plant extracts of grape seed and maritime pine bark, which are able to balance the free radicals by donating surplus electrons to the free radical molecules).
The supplement which I have used and indeed I still am using with such tremendous success, acts first of all as a free radical scavenger, but also as an anti-inflammatory.
It contains pycnogenols, which have an anti-oxidant effect 20 times the power of vitamin C and fifty times the power of vitamin E.
This includes maritime pine bark extract, which is water-soluble, and works quickly around cells and tissues and grape seed extract which is oil soluble and is absorbed into individual cells.
Most importantly, it also contains curcuminoids (Super Antioxidants), which are three times more effective again.
The combined effects of these ingredients have resulted in this supplement being described as the most powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger currently available in the world.
Unlike a prescription drug it is made from natural products and works by neutralizing - not destroying.
However, there is a combination which has proven to produce some outstanding results.
By taking Minerals, Vitamins and Anti- Oxidants you may find a difference too.
1) Minerals and Vitamins:Many cases of arthritis are caused by nutritional deficiency so the first objective is to achieve the right level of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in order to restore balance to the body and help it to promote the necessary healing processes.
Vitamins cannot work without the presence of minerals and the main minerals involved with arthritis are calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, boron and many others.
Because many minerals are mutually synergistic they often work better when combined together in precise proportions.
Please see a previous article entitled Sub Colloidal Mineral and Vitamins, which covers this more fully.
2) Combating Free Radicals: To go with the above one should consider taking a powerful anti-oxidant.
Research has shown that arthritis is primarily caused by free radical damage.
Free radicals are rogue atoms with an electron missing which causes breakdown in various parts of the body.
Nowadays, free radicals can often reach epidemic proportions from substances like car exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, herbicides, pesticides; x-rays; certain prescription drugs, medicated water supplies and alcohol etc.
If there is a mineral deficiency, then free radicals are able to form in the system and attack areas such as the cartilage causing the typical symptoms of pain, inflammation and swelling.
Unless action is taken, tissue breakdown continues and is further aggravated from increasing wear and tear.
Because many medical drugs create free radicals, they can make the problem worse by adding to the damage of the joint.
Every day each one of our body cells is now attacked by an estimated 10,000 free radicals.
Normally, the body would combat free radicals with a natural substance we know as an anti oxidant, but as we grow older the amount of naturally occurring anti oxidant, the body produces becomes greatly reduced.
By the age of 40, the anti oxidant level can drop by 50%, and between the ages of 60 and 70 to below 10%! Fortunately, free radicals can be neutralized by taking an anti oxidant supplement comprised of proanthocyanidins or "pycnogenol".
(Pycnogenol is a term first developed by professor J.
Mesqualler of Bordeaux University and simply refers to plant extracts of grape seed and maritime pine bark, which are able to balance the free radicals by donating surplus electrons to the free radical molecules).
The supplement which I have used and indeed I still am using with such tremendous success, acts first of all as a free radical scavenger, but also as an anti-inflammatory.
It contains pycnogenols, which have an anti-oxidant effect 20 times the power of vitamin C and fifty times the power of vitamin E.
This includes maritime pine bark extract, which is water-soluble, and works quickly around cells and tissues and grape seed extract which is oil soluble and is absorbed into individual cells.
Most importantly, it also contains curcuminoids (Super Antioxidants), which are three times more effective again.
The combined effects of these ingredients have resulted in this supplement being described as the most powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger currently available in the world.
Unlike a prescription drug it is made from natural products and works by neutralizing - not destroying.