Why Antivirus Is Necessary
Earlier we use to pay the bills in corresponding places directly, but now the technology has been improved a lot. Everywhere online payment has been implemented. Not only bills, ordering gifts or any products through online is very easy. Internet has made human life easier , simpler and also lazier.
While doing online financial transactions our money matters a lot. We need to know our transactions are done safe . Unprotected system is vulnerable to a large number of security threats. In these case antivirus software is something needed which can make you feel safe and secure against any kinds of internet malicious programs.
Viruses, malwares, spywares, trojans which are harmful for your pc's health can easily bypass the security measures and are designed in such a way that can steal your valuable identity and personal valuable information's like credit card, bank account number etc. These information's can be used for ill purposes to harm yourself.
The reason to install an anti-virus software is that the latest antivirus software is equipped with the latest technologies and has improved their higher level of protections. Efficiency and speed matters while you use an antivirus software. Anti-virus software not only protect you from all these kind of viruses but also helps in speeding up your pc!
There are a large number of anti-virus software's available from different Certificate Authorities, But you have to choose which would suit your system capability. The two major things to watch in anti-virus software is that whether it can really protect you being a victim of online threats are effectiveness and usability. These two things can either make or break security software.
If you are going to install an anti-virus software that is not going to protect your pc then what is the need in that software? So always check for the effectiveness of the anti-virus software's. Any software that you install must not give you any difficulty in installing it. It should provide you the desired protection as soon a possible. Also the implementation has to be easy and quick.
Most of the antivirals features has the automatic updates enabled in it so that it would not let the computer speed and performance slow down at any situation. These security softwares are judged as best with only its features which would take it from good to great. From this features you can be able to ensure complete pc security.
Before getting an antivirus software you should go through the feedback's of the particular software online. If the software has so much of the negative feedback's, do not go with it. If you are still unsure about which product to choose then a good place is to start with trial that will give you free antivirus for a limited time. If you are satisfied with the trial version then you can go with the paid version. If you plump for the latter then your system will be immune from all cyber threats and internet safety is something that you wont have to give a second thought to.
Antivirus from Comodo download features top-notch antivirus protection, for free! Real-time scanning, online updates, quarantine protection, total virus deletion...it's all here. Just click a button when you'd like to scan for viruses. When Antivirus detects one, it kills it. Dead. Gone. When Antivirus finds what it thinks can be a virus, it immediately puts the possible virus in a quarantine state where it can't do any damage. It's extra protection from the trickier viruses.
The Secrets of Comodo Antivirus
Proactive "intelligent" protection intercepts unknown threats
Automatic updates for the most current virus protection
Easy to use interface lets you install and forget: no annoying pop-ups or false alarms
Isolation of all suspicious files eliminates the chance of PC contamination
Defense + technology constantly protects you
Comodo antivirus has been built with intelligence: it recognizes typical viral behavior. Antivirus, upon detecting a suspicious file that could be a virus, will immediately place that file in "Antivirus Jail": the file is blocked, awaiting trial. If it's a viral invader, delete it. Comodo Antivirus also includes a mechanism for user to submit any files look suspicious to the Safe List and get immediate feedback on possibly viral files from our security experts and other PC-users.
You can know and download further details about Comodo antivirus at below link: