How Do You Get and Keep the Woman of Your Dreams?
You know the kind of woman I'm talking about, right? Rest assured, I'm here to help you get that woman and keep her interested.
I am qualified to teach you the secret to getting her because I'm a woman.
I know what women think and what they want.
I am also a counselor, motivator, and relationship expert.
I know the ins and outs of what makes a successful relationship and how to get there.
So, now that you know a little more about me, how can I help you? Well, are you feeling bored with your current situation? Do you often feel like there's something better out there but just haven't found her yet? Do you see the 'it' woman and are just not sure how to approach her? Or do you feel frustrated by being shot down time after time? If you answered yes to any of these, then read on.
Let's start with attraction.
What attracts women to men? Just like guys, women are drawn to men who are attractive.
While looks are not important in the long run and most women will claim that looks are not important, I am mentioning this simply because it's human nature.
Initial attraction is based on looks, whether we like it or not.
Basically, we have no other context for judging a person we just met (and otherwise don't know) other than how they look and present themselves.
The great news is that you still have an ace up your sleeve, regardless of what you look like.
The amazing woman you are looking for will look past initial attraction and search for something more substantial- a man who is attractive inside.
In the meantime, dress well and take care of yourself.
Wear nice clothes, groom well, wear cologne, and don't forget the breath mints.
And why does this matter? A man who takes good care of himself and his belongings shows a woman that he can take great care of her as well.
It also says you respect yourself and that you have a good job.
While some women prefer guys that have money, the women you want don't need stuff as much as you'd think.
Why is that? Simply put, do you really want a Paris Hilton in your life forever? She may be hot and great arm candy for a while, but you'd have nothing to talk about after a while.
The kind of women that can hold any kind of interesting conversations long term aren't shallow.
Trust me on this one.
What else attracts great women to men? Confidence.
Nothing over the top here- cockiness can be a big turn- off.
You need to walk the fine line.
So how do you get to the fine line without looking like your overdoing it? Start out with good posture, a deep and firm voice, lots of direct eye contact, and being able to crack a great joke at a moments notice.
No bragging, intimidating other guys in her presence, or obvious come-ons here.
Long term, confidence also translates into not being jealous, encouraging her to do all the things she likes, and doing things with her that might be considered feminine.
Women think that a guy who can feel confident enough to look like a dork in public signifies that he has a great personality and has long term potential.
A smart woman can see through all the nonsense, so be genuine, honest, and thoughtful at all times.
Compliments and flattery are also welcome, but only sincere ones.
I suggest this because a great way to approach a woman is to hone your complimentary skills.
If your going to approach her, take a few moments to really notice the things she's doing.
For example, if she's reading a book, tell her something like, 'Wow, your reading XYZ? You must be pretty smart- I had a hard time understanding ABC (about the book).
Do you have any insights?' Asking open- ended questions that compliment are always great icebreakers.
What is it that keeps a girls attraction long term? For starters, a guy who maintains his physical appearances and continues to clean up after himself relates to what I was talking about earlier- a woman will think you'll take good care of her too.
That means that going to the gym, eating healthy, and spending time on personal development projects.
Not the domestic type? Hire a maid if you have the resources to do so- it will save you time and energy and the best part is that it WILL score you points.
Just like you don't like women with baggage, the same goes for you.
What's past is past, so wouldn't you say its time to drop off some of that 'baggage?' Let me reemphasize that a smart woman can sense the nonsense.
In this specific sense, faking no baggage won't get you far either.
We've all got a story, but solving your personal problems (or at least not letting them effect your potential interest) will help improve your chances of getting that woman and keeping her.
Not only will this improve your future prospects, it will improve your personal life as well.
Now that I've shared a couple secrets with you, go ahead try it out yourself.
If you need more ideas on how to get the woman of your dreams from an actual woman's perspective, you can contact me.
I will guide you through more ways on how to get the woman of your dreams and keep her.