Tutus for Dogs & Children
- Children can dress in a tutu to play with their dog.practicing ballet moves image by Lisa Eastman from Fotolia.com
Most people consider their dog a member of the family. The dog is part of the everyday routine, watches out for the family and is a playmate for the children. A child often uses the dog as she would her own friend and wants the dog to be dressed to match her. Tutus are an easy article of clothing to dress the child and the dog. - Children and dogs can wear tutus while they play together. They can make up a dance and have the dog a part of the dance. It is hard for dogs to learn choreography but a well-trained dog can sit patiently or spin around in her tutu. A costume party is also a perfect opportunity for children to dress with their dogs in tutus. They can make up ballerina names for themselves and their dogs.
- Tutus come in a variety of styles. The most basic and often seen is a tutu with an elastic waist. These are adjustable and fit a range of sizes. If the dog is much larger or smaller than the child they may need different sizes. Drawstring tutus are another popular style for children. These are tied onto the child's waist and can be tied tighter for a smaller waist. A drawstring tutu is more likely to fit a child and a dog because it can adjust to fit a greater range of sizes. A real tutu a ballerina uses is fitted to the ballerina's size. They are more rigid and very expensive. These are not a good option for children or dogs.
- When dressing a child or a dog safety should be considered. Carefully monitor a dog with any type of clothing. A dog that does not normally chew clothing may chew up her tutu in effort to get it off. The fabric could be ingested and choked on, or cause intestinal problems for the dog. The string from a drawstring tutu could pose a strangulation hazard. Make sure the string does not come out of the tutu and is never used to tie around the child or dog's neck. Parents should also exercise caution when dogs are being dressed. A dog that is normally not aggressive could act out and bite the child who is dressing her. A majority of dogs do not like being dressed and could become irritated.