Using Cover Letter Templates & Examples To Know What To Include In A Cover Letter
There was a time when a person "pounded the pavement" to find a job. It was customary to dress properly, have plenty of resumes and go from place to place, personally dropping off the resume. Sometimes the person would have opportunity to present themselves to the appropriate person who would be interviewing them, make a good impression and land that interview. In essence, the person was their own "human cover letter."
Things have changed. A lot of positions cannot be based upon how well the persons letter is. People would like a cover letter template to help them. They need a model because they don't really know how else to make sure they've done it well.
Add to that, the pavement pounding days are gone. We can sign up for job boards and send resumes via the net, thus that ability to sell ourselves with a personal appearance has all but disappeared. Honestly, employers would prefer not to have the personal visit, so they welcome an electronically delivered resume and a nicely done cover letter, which really is nothing more than a well-written introduction of the person. The person welcomes a cover letter template to him guide him!
Here are a few basic points that you should be aware of when creating a cover letter, or using a cover letter template:
* Make sure the cover letter explains why you are sending a resume. What are you asking for? The reception job, the managerial job, etc.
Dear Sir, I am interested in applying for the position in the accounting department as a payroll clerk.
* How did you find out they were hiring for the position that you would like to apply for?
I learned that your company was looking for good payroll personnel through an associate of mine who heard that I was interested in finding a new position. She has a friend who mentioned this to her.
* Point out key elements in your resume that will get them to want to review that resume. Try to find a cover letter template that has a spot for this.
When you look at my resume, you will be pleased to see my years of experience with payroll. I am well versed in a number of software programs most commonly used in the preparation of payroll, as well as the tax tables, etc. I've processed payrolls for companies ranging in size from fifteen to twenty-five hundred employees.
* Your cover letter should be a reflection of you. Does it give an idea of your enthusiasm, personality, motivation, or your ability to communicate?
I have also provided letters of recommendation from previous employers. I believe you will see that they found me to be dedicated, detail oriented and willing to work as a team member. I think you will find those same qualities in me.
* Let them know how and when you would like to follow up, by letter, phone call, email or fax.
I would like to touch bases with you on Wednesday to discuss the possibility of an interview. I believe it may be convenient if I check in by email.
Whether you create your own cover letter or use a cover letter template, the important thing is to make sure you have one to send with your resume.