Belching Symptoms
- Some foods can cause stomach irritation. The irritation that the food causes can result in a greater release of stomach acids than usual, which can lead to stomach gases getting trapped and then being released suddenly in the form of burps. Discovering what the irritating food is and removing it from the diet will stop this belching.
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is the backing up of stomach acids into the gastroesophagus, which is accompanied with gas that causes belching. This condition is treated by changing one's diet and taking heartburn medication.
- Gastroparesis is a disorder in which the stomach has a difficult time emptying out its contents. The stomach produces more stomach acids to digest the food and the excess stomach acids rise up, releasing gas. Gastroparesis is often caused by diabetes and is sometimes corrected by bringing blood sugar levels under control.
- A hiatal hernia is when the stomach muscle moves to where it is not supposed to be located in the abdominal cavity. The movement of the stomach can cause food to back up into the upper part of the stomach. This action can push gases up, which can lead to belching. This condition does not always require treatment and often only requires heartburn medication.
- The peptic ulcer is a sore within the stomach that is caused by a bacterial infection. One of the symptoms of peptic ulcer is belching. This condition is cured using antibiotics and anacids.
- Lactose intolerance is an inability to digest dairy products. The effort to digest these products leads to a greater production of stomach acids, which can cause a buildup of gas that is released through belching. This condition can be treated by avoiding dairy products or taking medication.