4 Tips to Help You Feel Better About Meeting Others
Something just happens to us when we find ourselves looking into the eyes of a stranger.
Bombarded by an abundance of insecurities, we suddenly become very self-conscious and tongue-tied.
Thoughts race through our minds...
"What if they think I'm boring?", "What if they don't like the way I look?"...
and on it goes.
If you suffer from this malady and are placed in a position of dealing with new customers and clients on a regular basis, it's time to get a handle on the problem.
Learn To Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin Our insecurities arise from the way we feel about ourselves as a result of real or imagined shortcomings.
Therefore, the secret to overcoming social insecurities is about learning how to get comfortable in your own skin - accepting yourself for who you really are and, most importantly, realizing that you're not going to be liked or accepted by everyone, regardless of what you do.
So, here are a few tips to help you create that "feel good" mentality: oTake care of your appearance ~ Keep your hair and nails cleaned and trimmed.
Wear clothes that are neat, comfortable, and stylish.
Why is this important? Because how you feel about your appearance ~ is vital to your self-confidence.
A person who feels good about how they look is going to be more receptive, friendly, and convey confidence.
oWear a friendly smile and keep open mind ~ People like people who like people.
So, open your mind and your heart when you're introduced, and don't be afraid to smile.
Smiles are the universal language of pleasure, and can often disarm preconceived notions others might have about you.
Not only that, you might make another person's day brighter just by smiling at them.
oMind your body language ~ Your body language can speak volumes even when your mouth is closed.
An open posture - arms relaxed, palms open, face at ease says, "I'm friendly and approachable".
On the other hand, arms crossed, brows furrowed - a posture we often adopt when we're feeling insecure - conveys a "don't bother me" attitude.
oJust be yourself ~ People often feel that they need to put on an act to be liked.
This is due in large part, to just being afraid that people may not like them for who they really are.
Don't do that.
Regardless of how you act, not everyone is going to like you, and eventually the ruse will be up, and you'll be busted and embarrassed.
Just be real and be you, and you can't go wrong.